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+70 votes
How can one adjust a window's size?
by (4.3k points)

6 Answers

+102 votes
Best answer
Take mouse on the the edge of the window.. the mouse pointer will change to a 2 headed pointer... then click and drag to your desirable size..... . Doing the same at the corners of the window will allow you to resize window from 2 edges.. . You can also click on a square button on top right of window to maximize the window.. . Remeber that not all windows are resizable.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
move your cursor to the bottom left corner when it makes that diagonal double-edged pointy thingy, click, and drag to whatever size you want (it won't go too big or too small though). you can also do this on the sides, but it will only make it taller or wider, not both.. . . make sure it's not maximized; if it is, click the button one to the left of the X on the upper right hand side of the screen and it will "restore down."
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
If this is what you mean, bring your cursor over to the edges, sideways or up and down, then when the cursor becomes a double-ended ARROW, slide or drag the arrow thus shrinking the page. Also, this works on the corners of your window, with the arrow, etc. . I hope this is close!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
right click on the top most window blue bar & choose minimize, maximize, restore or close. Or in the right hand side top corner there are 3 boxes, with symbols of - x & 2 squares. they are mentfor minimizing, restore & closing the windows.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
on the top right, there should be 3 buttons;. . if the middle button is two small sqaures overlapping, click on it.. if the middle button is a large square, no need to click it.. . go around the edges of the window until your cursor changes into a double-headed arrow. click and drag to adjust size of window.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
if u want to resize ur window in java then use setResizable(boolean) method
by (4.3k points)