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+113 votes
Why do individuals attempt to rob banks and express dissatisfaction when they face penalties?
by (4.1k points)

4 Answers

+118 votes
Best answer
I agree with the "idiot" answer. People figure that banks have plenty of money, so what's a few bucks? They should be glad that they are only getting charged 20 pounds rather than being turned over to the authorities for fraud.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
why should i pay back £20 when i only went over by £4? It is in the banks interest that we bank with them and then they take the piss out of us for it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
People are idiots, thats why. See last poster: "why should I pay? I only STOLE 4 pds from them."
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I think the real objection isn't because they charge you, but because they charge you in an unfair, disproportionate way.. . You go a few pounds over, they send you letters, and bill you vastly more for receiving those letters than you were over in the first place.. . It's hardly stealing, they're very happy for you to go overdrawn - they make a lot of money out of it. It's not quite on the scale of marketing credit cards to people who are likely to get into serious debt and accrue huge interest charges, but it's pretty scummy business nonetheless.. . . People work for these big companies, and their entire working life is stressed and miserable. People deal with them, and they're pretty likely to get screwed by the company too. Everyone suffers - in the worst companies the employees are driven into the ground for years, decades - except the shareholders.. . We've all seen the roaring success of communism - I'm certainly not advocating that - but if we've evolved far enough to value happiness above profit, there has to be a better compromise than where we are now.. . . Did I go on a bit of a tangent?
by (4.4k points)