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+122 votes
What do the doomsdayers who predicted the end of the world on 6-6-06 have to say about June 7, 2006?
by (4.3k points)

33 Answers

0 votes
seriously, yesterday was just another day for me! No freak accidents, no scary ghosts, my baby even went to sleep early for me and I got to watch a movie with my hubbie last night! We need more 6/6/06's!!!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
the worst thing about all the sillyness was that yesterdays date wasnt even 666 it was 662006 even if u made it shorter it was still 6606 if something bad happened every tim we had a date that had 3 sixes somewhere in the number...lmao
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Yeah, just like the whole Y2K thing was overblown, so was 6/6/06. It's just another date on the calendar. Some people are just too superstitious.
by (4.2k points)