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+68 votes
I'm feeling anxious about starting high school, can you help?
by (4.4k points)

27 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
don't worry! i was like that too but when i entered high school, its pretty FUN and i love it. don't worry, just calm down, i garuntee you will have the greatest experience there.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Just so you know fresman year is the worst year. You get no respect from the upper classmen either. And all your so called friends aren't your friends anymore. And if you're pretty be prepared for a lot of jealousy, even if you don't know the person. I hate high school or at least the high school I am going to. I am glad i am switching schools next year.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
High school is the best time of your life
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
High School was a lot of fun for me. I probably had a little bit to much fun. I would if I where you study hard, and take care of all your school work before you worry about social activities. The next four years will have a huge impact on the rest of your life, whether or not you go to college, what kind of job you ultimately end up with maybe even lead you to the military, who knows. The best way to have the most options is to get good greats and get involved, play sports, join clubs, make friends and most importantly have fun while your doing it all.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
i was the same way. i was so nervous starting highschool my freshman year. esepecially in a public school where you hear about people with guns, drugs, and condoms. my first day of school was the worst. i didn't know anybody. i didn't know where my locker was. i didn't know where the school office was. so i asked a kid walking by... he called me an @$$hole and kept walking. pretty soon i saw a guy in a suit walking around. i asked him where i could find my locker. it was the principle and he showed me to where my locker was. the second day of school went a little better. and after a week i was totally used to everything. i just finished my senior year at that school. i couldn't even start telling you the difference between then and now. everyone knows me know, the principle comes to me now whenever he sees vandalism, i have the prettiest girlfriend ever, and the best job ever, and i just graduated. highschool was awesome! i enjoyed it. hope you will too.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
its boring and there is no point in goin, teach yourself at home. and dont go to any school functions they suck too. ask jesus he never went to high school.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
same with me. i'm starting high school in august. i'm kinda nervous, like about finding my clases and stuff, but u just have to relax. things will fall in place.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I know exactly how you feel. I'm a Senior next year. You should definitely not be nervous. Gather your friends together and create a group, make sure everyone knows a meeting spot for lunch, and you'll be set. Now about the applying yourself thing, I have the same problem, and trust me, you definitely have to start worrying about your GPA as a freshman. There are many things I would have done differently had I known what it would be like. STAY ORGANIZED. The best way I've found is one of those accordion folding binder thingys. That way you don't have to punch holes in anything, you can just throw your papers in there and best of all you can sort them by subject, so you don't have to look through an entire stack of papers. but most importantly, have fun. hang with your friends, play a sport, an instrument, join a club. Find something that interests you and don't pass it up. try everything. you never know. You need something to help balance the studying. I am in Choir and I love it. I also played Softball, and Soccer for a while. But don't overload. oh, and don't shut out your parents. They are there to help you. don't listen to those people who say you have to learn to be independent and deal with things on your own. Yes, you will have to learn that, but don't start now. Your parents can help. let them help you with homework, even if it is just to check to make sure you're doing all of it. And i think that's about all the advice I have for you. just remember, have fun and don't grow up too fast!!!!! this is your time to have the time of your life!!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Don't be so nervous. I graduated 2 years ago, and I'll tell you now...It's nothing like your teachers or parents make it out to be. It's actually easier if you have your priorities straight. Just keep focused, do you homework, and you'll be fine.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
all you can do is your best hun. Know your limits and dont push past them. if u know that you already have hard time with school work then try not to take on too many extra activities. And trust me in highschool they are great usually for helping students. Try to make it fun though. Through all my school years i honestly remember highschool the most. i wish i would have made more out of it. good luck and take care i am sure you will do great.
by (4.3k points)