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+43 votes
What is the purpose or meaning that drives our existence?
by (4.4k points)

12 Answers

+106 votes
Best answer
make more ppl until we'll be at the peak of evolution... then we all die... simple! gimme another one!
by (4.3k points)
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42. Playing it safe, here.
by (4.6k points)
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the purpose of this short life to me is to go to heaven where we will live eternally.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
go on...and on....u will get it when u finaly loose it...
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Where am I coming from, where will I go? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? What is death like? Is it certain that there is life after death? Do Paradise and Hell exist? What is the origin of life? Where is our Creator? What does the Creator demand from us? How can I discern between right and wrong? Where do I find the answers to these questions?…. For ages, people have sought answers to these crucial questions, given serious thought to them and discussed them thoroughly. Yet, contrary to what is generally believed, in all ages, the most reliable answers to these questions have been provided, not by the philosophers, but by the "true religion" which is the revelation of God. . Many religions have attracted adherents throughout the world-Buddhism, shamanism and paganism to name but a few. However, none of these were the revelation of God. Therefore, they were nothing more than a philosophy or a movement. Some, having merely a symbolic or cultural meaning, provided no social or psychological solutions to problems. Those who developed these religions, too, thought over these crucial questions, yet they could never find reliable answers. . Nevertheless, there are some "righteous religions" which have to be evaluated separately from these false religions. The most important feature of righteous religions, which distinguishes them from false religions, is their origin: they all have their roots in revelation. God informs mankind in the Qur'an about the superiority of the religion of truth over all other religions, philosophies or sociological systems:. . It is He Who sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of Truth to exalt it over every other religion, and God suffices as a witness. (Surat al-Fath: 28) . . It is He Who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of Truth to exalt it over every other religion, much as the idolaters may hate it. (Surat as-Saff: 9) . . Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the religions which have their roots in revelation. Originally, they were all revealed by God, yet after their respective messengers, Christianity and Judaism were corrupted. . Man made countless distortions in the Old and New Testaments-making additions and deletions-and as the original books disappeared in time, various forged Old Testaments and New Testaments appeared. Meanwhile, the originals were completely forgotten. Hence, followers of these religions deviated from the original divine religion, and founded their beliefs, rituals, worshipping and life styles upon a wholly distorted understanding of religion fabricated by clergy and rabbis. Today, these beliefs and interpretations still persist. Thus, these distorted religions are very far from providing answers to the questions mentioned above. . After the distortion of these religions, God revealed the last divine Book, which will remain unchanged until the Day of Judgment, and He will be the One Who will surely guard it against all distortions: . . We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). (Surat al-Hijr: 9) . For 14 centuries, the Qur'an has remained unchanged, and free from corruption. Every single letter of the original hand-written copies of the Qur'an has a one-to-one relation to the current copies we have today. In every corner of the world, people read the very same Qur'an, which proves that the Qur'an is kept under the special protection of God. . Throughout history, God communicated His messages, either by His messengers or His books. The Prophet Adam (as), the first man God created on earth, was assigned the same duty by God. In other words, the first people who appeared on earth were fully aware of the existence of God. Then followed many other messengers and books all throughout world history. This fact is recounted in the Qur'an: . . Mankind was once a single community. Then God sent out prophets bringing good news and giving warning, and
by (4.4k points)
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All praise is due to Allah. May His prayers and blessings be upon his Last Messenger and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the Last Day. . . Not just Muslims, but every single human being has to answer the most fundamental question at some point in his or her lifetime:. . "Why was I created? Why am I here? What am I doing in this world? Why did God create me?" . . These questions are questions which each and everyone of us reflects on at some point during their life. We have some answers, which are given generally but usually these answers don't satisfy us - seeming somewhat simplistic. So, we still wonder: "Why me? Why here?". I know all of you (Muslims), are saying, "To worship Allah, khallas (finish). What more is there to say? Why do we need to have a big long talk on why we were created when we all know it is to worship Allah?!". . But wait. If this is presented to a non-Muslim, the next logical question would be, "Why does Allah want us to worship Him?" Then your stuck, which can only mean that in our own minds it is not really clear. Why did Allah create us to worship Him?. . Addressing the question, "Why did Allah create us?", we have to understand how to deal with those people we live with (in the West). Those who don't consider there to be any purpose in man's creation, firmly believing that they are just a product of evolution and that the forces of nature. Just as we don't have apes, dogs or cows thinking about why they are here, then we also don't have to think about it either. Following from this belief being the basis of the philosophy of Western society (that man is without purpose), the whole issue of government, morality, etc. has no basis for them in Revelation. The product of this attitude is, of course, the corruption that we are living in.. . When a Muslim addresses this topic, we have to find our understanding from Divine Revelation and not human speculation. Because human speculation has no bounds; we can imagine all kinds of things and if any of you has studied philosophy of religion, you will know how many opinions there are about the creation of man and existence. Because of the variety of philosophies which are out there, no one can say this one is correct or that one is incorrect, because there is no guidance behind it. No Divine Revelation. It is only from Divine Revelation that we can determine the reality of our creation, because it is Allah who has created us and so He knows the purpose of our creation. We can hardly understand it ourselves, much less trying to understand the essence of things. So it is for Allah to inform us through the revelation in the Qur'an and the Sunnah (the Prophetic traditions) which were brought to us by His Last Messenger and the Messengers before him.. . Now if we are to look initially into revelation, to determine why was man created, there is a deeper question that we should be asking before that: "Why did God create?". This before we even get to man because man is not the greatest act of creation. Allah says:. . "The creation of the Heavens and the Earth is indeed greater then the creation of mankind; yet, most of mankind know not." [Surah Ghafir, verse 57]. . Man is not the greatest act of creation, this universe is far more complex and far more magnificent than man. So the issue of creation should then go to, "Why did God create?", as opposed to simply, "Why create man?".. . Fundamentally, we can say that the creation is the natural consequence of the attribute of creator. Allah is the creator. That is one of his attributes. That is what he has informed us. That being his attribute, the creator, the natural consequence or the product of this attribute is his creation.. . A painter, if we are to draw a similitude on a lower level, who tells you that he is a painter, if you ask him where are his paintings and he replies I don’
by (4.6k points)
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Follow your happiness without hurting others. Learn and have fun.
by (4.7k points)
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Well this has been answered by philosophers in a few different ways depending how you look at them I think they all have some merit. The first I know of is Aristotle, he said that a fishes 'telos' (purpose) in life is to swim. A bird's 'telos' is to fly. Furthermore he said that a man's purpose is to think among other things. He believed we are social animals and thus it would also be to sociate with others. And well simply to do all that we are capable of viz. exploring science and the arts. Let's see then there is the existentialist view that says there is no purpose except the purpose that we give to life. We have choice and can ultimately choose for ourselves our purpose. Fundies will include God in their purpose but I'm agnostic atheist so I'm not going to support that one. Instead of living for god I think you should live for yourself and for others. We know we exist. Lets see I will also add that MY purpose is to learn as much as I can, grow as a person, and to help those around me as much as possible.
by (4.4k points)
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by (4.0k points)
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Philosophers have been asking this throughout history. Great minds have yet to find definitive answers.
by (4.2k points)