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+84 votes
What is your preferred season of the year and the reason behind it?
by (4.1k points)

7 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer
Spring, when it is bright! no clouds... just sunny clear skies.... idk why just like being able to be outside... and not worry about rain...
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Believe it or not, my favorite time of year is Winter. I live in South Texas and it is unbearably hot here but when the cold fronts come through it is such a relief. It is like a new beginning. Being able to snuggle with my hubby is another reason!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Fall because I love wearing hoodies
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Fall, birthday is just when the leaves have turned color and are falling. I like putting on my new fall clothes and going for long walks through the parks. It just has a certain feeling about it...It reminds me of a warm fire in the fireplace on a cool evening.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
My favorite time of the year, or season would most definitely be spring.I was born in April, andthis is when everything is just starting to begin sprouting.The Wisteria is almost starting to bloom.Plants are turning green again, and the air smells of Jasmine and Gardenias. Everything is fresh and young with life.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I live in Texas, it is very hot right now, and this time of year it is usually hot during the day, but I would have to say summer. One can get up in the morning and the earth has cooled, with the gentle breeze out doors and that blue blue sky to wake you up, as the bright sun raises higher in the sky getting hotter by the minute (yes the minute) and then as the heat of the day gives off that bit of stream from the earth and those wiggle lines of heat that make you just want to stop and sweat in the place you are standing until....twilight time. . . Oh, my gosh, when it is twilight in Texas, as the blue sky is changes in colors of blues and yellow and oranges to deep purples, the wind comes up to touch your body in the most seductive way, and you sit on edge of your pool . knowing why you love Texas and the 5 months of summer. Its a feeling of the world cloaking you in a warmth of splendor that is only understandable through the experience.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
summer!!!! less clothes. then bday
by (4.4k points)