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+58 votes
What is the current state of the French Quarter and Garden District in New Orleans?
by (3.8k points)

8 Answers

+50 votes
Best answer
The French Quarter was hardly touched by Katrina, but parts of the Garden District were completely destroyed (remember the arson?). In other parts, they are still finding bodies and many many places haven't been touched since the hurricane.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
The French Quarter is still very much intact even though some of the restaurants have been closed before Katrina. The Garden District is a little trashed, but still livable at this point.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Not much damage, but lots of trash everywhere. Waste Management doesn't pick up garbage on a regular basis most of the time. Crime rate is going up as certain people return to the city.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Most of it was preserved. I hear that it looks almost the same.. . I've been twice, and I really want to go back. I love New Orleans.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I live in New Orleans, and they're beautiful, as usual--the Garden District and French Quarter were untouched by flooding and most wind damage.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
still there but beat up
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I live in New Orleans, actually have not returned permanently YET. I live in the Garden district & most of the area was not damaged by the hurricane or flood, but some destoyed by fire. It does not look nearly as pretty, but it is definately liveable. Trash is a big problem and the smell is pretty bad. The French quarter which was the original New Orleans is actually above sea level so it was not flooded. It looks the same, just kind of emtpy. Dicky Brennans steak house opened back up the last time I was there which was the end of April. Most of the rest. in the quarter are open. I saw more crime walking from my hotel alone at 2 a.m to dante;s pizza to get a frozen drink and a slice of pizza when i woke up in the middle of the night, than I ever saw during mardi gras or other high crime times. It was the first time I ever felt kind of scared and vulnerable being 30's female walking alone in the quarter at night. Ordinariy if you are from there people can sense it and no one bothers you, but I did not feel safe. My husband was worried when I got back and woke him up. Drove through the ninth ward , it was gut wrenching to read the red symbols still on all the doors, it doesn take long to figure out the codes, "2 dead children in attic, 3 dead adults under debris" "4 dead roof" "dead animal" "2 dead dead under debris, 1 live body lifted" I'm getting chills now thinking about it.
by (4.3k points)