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+64 votes
How can I determine the release date of someone on probation or parole?
by (3.8k points)

6 Answers

+62 votes
Best answer
If you have been a victim of an inmate, ask the court to inform you about the parole or probation hearings. They should also inform you when the person is to be released.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Once the individual has been sentenced, the ruling court has a public record with that information. Probation and parole may be adjusted by the individual's conduct while incarcerated, so the parole board is notified and the parole officer and court are kept informed.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
you ask their parole officer or call the police station ar jail in which they are/where registered and ask
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You can go to OTIS (Offender Tracking Information System) but the information will only be on there after they have gone to trial and given a sentence. My ex was in jail for 3 mo's and history criminal history was on there but not his current stay. Then, after he did his time there, they sent him to prison (this was also after he had his final trial and sentence), he was sent to prison. Then, the new info. showed up on OTIS along with a release date which is usually something like min.1 yr., max 20 yr. they do not usually serve the maximum unless they continue to get in trouble while in prison. Prisoners usually get early releases because our prisons are overcrowded. The only reason why my ex isn't out on the streets right now, is because within a week after they released him, he went and stole some stuff from a store and went right back in.. . Incedentally, until it is put on OTIS, the only way you can find out is through him. The jail will not tell you anything due to laws of confidentiality. Just because someone breaks the law and has to do time doesn't mean he doesn't still have rights. So, things are very complicated. If you go down to the county courthouse and get a restraining order, there might be info. they can give you on how to find out when this guy is getting out. Hopefully you got this restraining order before he went to jail because I'm sure there is a limit of time in which to get one.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Usually you can go to the website of the state that they are in (i.e. for Michigan). Then you can go to offender search and type in information about the person you are looking for and it will tell you their earliest release date.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
contact the jail system that they are in
by (4.4k points)