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+9 votes
How can I make my upcoming trip to Europe less stressful?
by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+101 votes
Best answer
Pack light and roll everything. You can always get what you need when you get there.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Pack earplugs in your carry on, try to be tired beforehand and if you are not going alone pop a sleeping pill after take off. I've done that journey a few times, isn't pleasant. Europe has the same kind of stuff in the shops as USA (assuming that's where your leaving from) so packing a lot of stuff like shampoo, shower gel isn't needed, take sample bottles to do you until you can shop. If you're going to UK pm or email me, from there so would be happy to give advice.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Have you heard the saying "take half as many clothes and twice as much money"? It's really true.. . Take clothes that are comfortable and that you won't mind wearing once or twice (or three or four or five times). Take clothes that all go together (so you can mix and match outfits). Also, buy smaller bags to go in your suitcase to keep like items together (Eagle Creek makes some really awesome stuff, that you can get at REI among other stores). Or just get some big Ziploc bags for things like socks and underwear.. . I spent three weeks in Europe (Italy & England) earlier this month. I took three pairs of pants and about 8 shirts that went with all the pants. And 21 pairs of underwear, in case we didn't make it to a laundromat (and we decided we would rather sightsee than spend half a day in a laundromat)! Pack some fabric softener sheets in with your clothes to help them smell a little fresher--or pack a small bottle of Febreeze!. . Have a great trip!
by (4.2k points)