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+48 votes
What is the faith or belief system you consider yourself a part of, and what factors led you to choose that particular one?
by (4.3k points)

17 Answers

0 votes
I believe all religions are organized businesses created for church hierarchy, preachers, ministers, etc. to have a lucrative and easy means of support
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Islam because it's the best religion and it is the truth. Allah's signs are everywhere and this is the perfect way of life.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Hinduism, because I have studied many religions and have found in Hinduism the teachings that make the most sense to me. I have found it to be the path that works for me effectively to reach my fullest potential. I also like Buddhism and other eastern religions, as well as Judaism. I actually find a lot in EVERY religion I've ever studied that I can learn from. All are beautiful in their own way.. . I see religions as different paths to the same Ultimate Goal or Eternal Truth. We may call it different names, but it is the same. We just see it from different angles. Hinduism recognizes this.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'm a Christian and I attend a Catholic church. My family left the Catholic Church when I was younger and we started attending a non-denom. church. I never really liked it and stopped going when I went to college. My second year of college I started attending a Catholic church with some of my sorority sisters. It felt so good to be back. I can't explain the feeling I had when I was there, it honestly just felt right so I re-joined the Catholic Church and have been going there ever since. I support the Catholic faith because all of its teachings are derived from the Bible and Jesus and his Apostles.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
none, because i don't have a reason and religious people are conservative and uncool...
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I beleive in GOD.. beleive in Evolution, . I DO NOT Beleive in the Church, I do not beleive I need to have a word for my religion or beleif system, since I beleive NO religion is 100 % correct and that ALL are a form of behavior control and a way for each church to get more members and ultimately more money and more control to serve its purposes. . eg - churchs tell you that it is EVIL to even considder an other religion.. that all other religions are bad/evil so people are brainwashed by using FEAR into staying in that religon (fear of HELL). some Churches in USA actually told people to Vote for BUSH!. Churches often encourage large families (mormons especially but most "want" you to have kids) - ultimately bad for the planet, but good for the church since it gains new members that way. Chruches often request you Tithe a portion of your income to them - so more people = more money and more people to manipulate to do their will
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Islam is my religion because everything about it make REAL sense however i have tremendous amount of respect on other religions as well
by (4.2k points)