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+54 votes
What are the key differences between conservative, liberal, and independent political ideologies?
by (4.4k points)

8 Answers

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Best answer
Conservatives: In nature they favor big business, they also favor anti-abortion, . Liberals: Favor pro-life, Favor people. Independent: that is a tricky question becuase not all independents think alike. They favor fact over inaccuracy.
by (4.2k points)
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"Liberals: Favor pro-life,". . That is such a pile. Liberals are pro-abortion, which numbers approx 1.3 million people killed per year in the US, 94%+ of which are nothing more than after the fact birth control.. . Now, here's an old saying that might help you answer your question:. . "If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.". . This is because liberals are bred on college campuses by extremist liberal college professors that seem to get crazier by the day:. . Most of these liberals grew up in their priveleged little lives, never having been in the real world knowing what it means to work and provide for themselves. (of course this is a generalization, but pretty accurate). They start out as essentially "big kids", meaning they haven't been in the real world to even understand any real issues.. . It has been well documented by countless studies that teachers and professors are liberal by like 9 or 10 to 1. They present their biased view to students who have nothing else to compare it to. They wouldn't think that these teachers would lie to them, and school is supposed to be about teaching FACTS, like proper language, math, science (but that's a whole other thing). But politics is opinion, and when you present only one side, you're robbing the students of the chance to be truly informed and make up their own minds.. . Setting that aside, liberals essentially believe that an unborn child is not a child, so they have no problem killing it (abortion)... Evidence continues to show that younger and younger "fetuses" could survive outside the womb, and new technology allows us a glimpse inside the womb to see just how much of a "life" it truly is, even in the early weeks of pregnancy. To this liberals pull out extreme rare cases to oppose an abortion ban, saying "oh, should we force teenage girls to carry have a baby after being rapped by their fathers!?".. This is ridiculous, and those matters could be discussed later, but as we know, 94%+ abortions are simply birth control.. . Beyond abortion, liberals think that people who make more money should be forced to pay extremely higher percentages of tax on the money they earn. Look at the tax brackets, even after the Bush tax cuts the "rich" are paying a much higher percentage (not just amount, but PERCENTAGE) than the rest of us... is that fair?.,,id=150856,00.html. . Liberals want these percentages to go even higher, and then promise the money to lower income people, essentially in exchange for votes. This is why liberals have the poor/minority vote locked. They promise more money, in turn these people vote for liberals, and this is repeated every election. Conservatives would like to see people take "personal responsibility" (a staple of conservativism) and make things happen for themselves with fewer hand outs which keep taxes high.. . Liberals also ignore the fact that we've had record setting tax revenue, even with the tax cuts... how? Tax cuts are good for business, they help business grow and hire employees.. more pay checks means more taxes being paid. Unemployment is lower than the average of the past 4 decades... it's not coincidence, especially considering Bush took over shortly before the Clinton/Gore recession officially became a "recession" after months of negative economic growth. Even after having 9/11, nasty hurricane seasons, $3 gas, the economy has continued to "surprise" economists, over and over for the past few years. I'm too lazy to look it up right now but I think we've created like 5.5 million jobs in just over the last two and a half years. The housing boom is starting to slow, but this is nat
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Conservative. (adjective). 1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.. Liberal. (adjective). 1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.. 2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.. Independent--Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization.. . In general, the Republican agenda is one of political (not moral) conservatism and the Democratic agenda is one of political (not moral) liberalism. These agendas are focused on the role of government in its citizens' lives.
by (4.7k points)
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independents learn about the politics of both parties and try to be in the middle on issues,,,,think for themselves rather than paid cronies, like Republicans,, more conservative than Democrats
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Conservatives believe that capitalism provides well for all the needs of the country, and the government should butt out and let it run without constraint.. . Liberals believe that unrestrained business has wrought great evils on this country in the past, and must be legally held to laws that protect the public, and that some services are too critical to trust to the market, and should be performed by the government.. . Independents understand neither policy and seek to find a good candidate of personal integrity for each office.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I can't really answer this. Conservative is more right leaning, liberal more left, and independent is a swing voter.
by (4.1k points)
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A conservative is someone who has very restrictive and staunch political and moral beliefs, usually based on Christian or at least traditional American standards of living.. . A liberal is someone who is much more inclusive and sympathetic to the lifestyle choices, and therefore legal or political demands, of various groups.. . An independent is someone who does not necessarily subscribe to either of the aforementioned standpoints in their totality, and therefore does not declare full loyalty to either side.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
It seems like in this day, there really isn't much of a dffierence. All party's are run by special interested and multinational corporations.
by (4.2k points)