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+86 votes
How do I clear the search history in the search bar?
by (4.5k points)

7 Answers

+49 votes
Best answer
< If you're talking about the search box on this site Toolbar,click the pencil icon beside the search box,a menue will drop down,click Clear Recent Searches.If you want to stop saving recent searches,click Toolbar Options and uncheck "remember recent searches" and check "Auto-clear Recent Searches when quitting IE".. . If you mean the search box on this site Home Page,double click the search box,this will make a menue drop down with your searches,put your cursor on what you want to delete to highlight it,hit the delete button on your keyboard.If you want to delete everything just hold the delete button down until everything is deleted.. . To clear searches on Google toolbar,click "Google" on the left of the search box,a menue will drop down,click Clear Search History.To stop saving searches click options,click search tab and check or uncheck to configure your search box.. . To clear pages you have visited on Internet Explorer address bar,click Tools,Internet Options,under General tab click Clear History,you can also set the number of days to keep pages in history,click Apply and then click OK.You may also want to click the Content tab and click Auto Complete and check or uncheck your Auto Complete settings to your preference.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
The record of search history which appears in the search box on Yahoo! is actually a feature controlled by your browser, not Yahoo! . If you have Internet Explorer as your browser, you may stop the search history from being generated by following the instructions below: . . . Select the the 'Tools' menu in Internet Explorer. . Select 'Internet Options', then select the 'Content' tab. . Under Personal information, click on the 'AutoComplete' box. . On the AutoComplete Settings window you can click the 'Clear Forms' box to delete your current history, or you can uncheck the Forms box to permanently stop the generation of the search history.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
press right click on mouse at the bar arrow pointing down then when you see all the words you looked up press delete on your keyboard on the highlighted word!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
search the web how do I remove past searches page search
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
right click the internet explorer icon go to properties and press the delete history tab
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
clear history
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
just hit your shift bar together with 'h' and your history will come up.then just ' history'clear
by (4.1k points)