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+26 votes
What changes have occurred in the breeding practices of animals or plants?
by (4.2k points)

5 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
stop feeding kibble. put the dogs especially females in whelp on a raw diet. Add goats milk and cottage cheese to the girls in whelp diet. cheap food is the worst kind of diet to feed your breeding animals.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
First off your feed is not a good food especially for breeding animals. You should be feeding a much higher quality diet.. Second has the "fertile" male had anything happen to him many things can cause infertility in dogs. Many medicines can make dogs sterile. How heavy is his breeding schedule? Sometimes if he is breeding to often that can cause low conception rates.. Third your females 2 new mom like never had litters before? How old are they? Some times they do not take or conceive well if they are not old enough. Have you had your vet do any pre-breeding exams? You may want to. Have any of your females been on any type of meds? Those can cause probelms there also. Sometimes they will go into heat but never ovulate. They will breed but not produce any eggs.. I would consult with your vet to see if there is anything that could be causing problems and do some fertility testing.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
Karma, Someone is trying to send you a message. STOP BREEDING AND RESCUE INSTEAD
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It's natures way of telling you enough is enough. Now go start a pekingese rescue instead.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
If by "Walmart foods" you mean the generic "Ol' Roy" stuff, there isn't enough nutrition in that stuff for any dog, much less a dog that is trying to produce a litter. I would really recommend switching your dogs to a premium food of some kind, preferably a meat-based kibble with no corn in the first several ingredients.. . You should also consider contacting a veterinary reproductive specialist in your area. They can be hard to find, but your regular vet should hopefully be able to refer you, or can find one for you. The reproductive vet can test your males/females and give you a better idea of what's going on.. . Have you done bloodwork on your females? Sometimes thyroid problems can prevent b*tches from conceiving. The dog just looking "healthy and energetic" doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a problem.
by (4.1k points)