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+64 votes
What strategies can be employed to maximize profits from share investments?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+34 votes
Best answer
Hope and pray. Pay attention to what the market and what the stock is doing, but anything you do, it is still a gamble and you risk losing.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
This is the perennial question. There is no way to make sure profit from shares otherwise we would all have given up working for a living. Even the professional fund managers with all the research facilities available to them, have years and even periods of years, when they lose money. It is 95% luck and 5% skill. . . The best you can do is to minimize the risk. If you are a beginner stick to a cheap index tracking mutual fund. If you want shares, buy small lots in many of the of the largest companies. When you show a good profit, sell and buy some other share you fancy. If you want to really gamble, buy penny shares. But remember, for any share on the stock market, there are as many investors who think it is cheap and are buying, as there are investors who think it is expensive and are selling.. Still want to buy shares?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Hey, to get a good profit from a share you need to first learn to basic of investing, your should know how markets works...the various things which comes to my mind at this moment that you should only be able to earn good profit from a share if u invest it in at rite time...for that you need to do daily research on how markets are functioning which companies are performing good and which are not.... . Try making a dummy portfolio at first and than start doing dummy trades this helps in getting the confidence to invest and you can also see how much u make by doing this...
by (4.6k points)