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+47 votes
How can I restore the shine to my silver ring that has lost its luster?
by (4.2k points)

4 Answers

+59 votes
Best answer
A jewelers cloth or fine silver polish is best. Cheap polishes and toothpaste will work, but they also leave very tiny scratches which will get water and dirt in them and cause the ring to tarnish again more quickly.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
I have a Tiffany's heart tag necklace and it's sterling silver. That thing ALWAYS gets dirty and tarnished looking quickly. I went to macy's and bought a rag that I just rub over it and wipe off any build up. It comes right off and is shiny new again. The rag is cheap too, like $5 I think it was. But if it's not sterling silver, then I don't think that rag would work. But just go to the jewlery department and tell them you need a cleaner for what ever type of silver you have and they should have something there for you. If not there, try a jewlery store, they would for sure. A lot of places also have a liquid you can just drop it in for like 60 seconds and it's like new again.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
if it's real silver, any polish should work to remove the tarnish. You can find it fairly cheap, I think, like at wal-mart
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Get a piece of cloth (something made from cotton is good), get some white toothpaste (Colgate is a good brand) and rub the toothpaste to your silver ring until the white toothpaste becomes gray/black and your silver ring, a bit matte. Just continue to rub your ring until it shines. Then, to finish it off, get an old toothbrush and brush off your ring with white soap and water. :) It's cheap and it works all the time for my silver jewellery!
by (4.6k points)