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+39 votes
What are the advantages of having a life insurance policy?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+46 votes
Best answer
Speak to a Financial Planner in your area. Avoid insurance salesmen, especially those who are "captive" (employed by an insurance company and selling that companies products over others) and those that use a "multiple of salary" approach to determining your need for coverage.. . A qualified Financial Planner will help you determine the appropriate level of coverage, educate you on the various types of coverage available, and shop a variety of carriers for the appropriate policy.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Probably the best benefit of life insurance is burials are expensive, and with life insurance, when you expire (die), your family will have enough money to bury you, pay off your bills, etc. (Depending on how much of a policy you get.) You can get life insurance policies through several different companies. Most of the time employers offer it with their health insurance policies. The best policy will vary with your individual needs. If you consult an insurance agent, they can better assist you with your particular needs. To check into it, visit these websites:. .
by (4.3k points)