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+86 votes
What are natural ways to treat insomnia without using medication?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+103 votes
Best answer
Obscure gave a good answer (remind me to rate that answer too:) Let me just add one thing I do when i have trouble drifting off to dreamland, I get myself so dead tired by running for an hour (in the ealier part of the evening of course) or have a hard exercise. A good sex is also a good form of making you sleep like a log.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
some things may sound stupid to u. u may try to drink a cup of milk before going to bed, it helps really often. another way of fighting against it is to manipulate your environment, i mean make your bedroom be a bedroom and nothing else. dont eat in bed, dont study in bed, try not to watch tv in bed, coz in this way u associate ur bed only with one of my teachers said, the bed is there only for sleeping and sex. thats all. results will show up in short time, but not immediately. and one thing, if u cannot sleep dont stay in bed too long thinking about your insomnia, u may even try cleaning up or anything else that will tire u and make u prefere sleeping to that dreadful thing.. hope this will help.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
melatonin is a natural chemical which the brain already produces. its related to seratonin which in is usually found in low levels of alcoholics. melatonin is inexpensive, comes in different doses and doesnt need a prescription. you can find it anywhere vitamins are sold. word of advice: try it on a weekend when you dont have to get up early. some come in pill and chewable form. try half of one at first cause you may feel groggy the next day. eventually youll build a tolerance. it hasnt been habit forming for me. i dont need to take it every night. i havent experienced any side effects either. exercise will tire you out. soaking in a hot bath, sex, chamomile tea.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
drink a cup of milk b 4 you go to bed. hehe
by (4.2k points)