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+77 votes
What type of music do you prefer when feeling down?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+104 votes
Best answer
Upbeat music will snap you out of it. You don't want to listen to anything that will make you more depressed than you already feel. :)
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
i usually listened to sentimental songs when i think of my past where do i begin (love story), my heart will go on, you're the inspiration, 2 steps behind, happy ever after, i'll be there, groovy kind of love, etc... i'll smile when i think of younger times.. if i'm feeling defeated & stressed, i'll listen to classical or lounge jazz. i'll let the soft music wash away the unhappiness.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
love metal generally
by (4.3k points)