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+86 votes
What does it mean when someone is said to be 'on the down low'?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+61 votes
Best answer
The down low in its urban term is a male having sex with another male but still sleeps with a woman and does not dignify himself as bisexual nor homosexual but in oyur case being on the down low i sort o lowkey and not letting anyone know of the situation except for the people who founded it so if he wants to be on the down low with you he wants to be your boyfriend but doesn't want anyone else to know.. . To make a guy jealous talk about another play hard to get and dont think about that guy draw yourself into another and he will fling to you.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
When a guy says keep it on the down low he means just between the two of you with no one else knowing.
by (4.4k points)