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+73 votes
What does it mean when someone is said to be in a self-imposed exile?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+51 votes
Best answer
It means that the 'he' in question lives separate from the world, feeling rejected although it is probably his own choice to be alone. 'He' may or may not feel as though 'he' has any choice in the matter, regardless.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
he by choice seperates himself from society , chooses when and where and to what extent he will interact with it. most of us do this to some degree, by choosing to shop in smaller single stores then in major crowded malls. by being singluar in some pursuits. those who value privacy, solitude and can find contentment within themselves.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It means he decided to leave the area where he lived before. Generally it implies a negative feeling to his former place of residence. The romantic aspect of it has more force if he exiled himself to another land.. Actually self-imposed exile is nonsense. Exile is when we have no choice. Otherwise it's called emigration. lol
by (4.3k points)