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+104 votes
What is the background and significance of the name 'Caillou' from the PBS show?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+25 votes
Best answer
Caillou's name comes from the French word caillou, meaning pebble, and from a ritual created by Dr. Françoise Dolto. Reflecting her philosophy of respect for the child as a person, she asked children to give her pebbles as a symbolic payment for her consultations, thus giving children complete freedom of choice regarding their treatment.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
"In French, caillou usually means "pebble", but it can also mean "bald head"" . . I remember I was letting my daughter watch it until my GF pointed out that since she started watching that show she was trying to throw little temper tantrums like Caillou. That made me notice that Caillou is the only character on PBS that throws tantrums. I quit letting her watch it. The little tantrums stopped. It's amazing how much a cartoon can influence a child. Just thought i'd toss that in there.
by (4.2k points)