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+51 votes
How can one increase their popularity?
by (4.5k points)

5 Answers

+17 votes
Best answer
well... i thnk u shold work not only hard but like the field whch u hav chosen to work upon ..deidcated ur become popular... just treat ppl around u with good heart. and ya. dont illtreat ppl on ur way up. bcoz u' ll meet them on ur way down
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
well different people are popular for different reasons...there are the "smart popular" the ones with all the brains, "cool popular" the ones who seem to know everybody by name, "trendsetters popular" the ones who wear the latest clothes and knows all the gossip...the list goes on and on. You have decide in which group u fit and be the best that u can be.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Well, your friend's focus is all wrong. Tell her to do what she likes and to be herself and it's as sure as night follows day, that she will be happy among people that somehow see themselves in her, either it is a personality trait, a similar taste in music, etc... If she spends all her energy trying to desperatly please others, she will be a hostage of their approval and she will always be dependent on that. Tell her to do her thing and just lay back and people will respond to that. How many? Just the right number... You go, girl
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
What kind of popular do you want? There's a couple different kinds:. . o One where everyone wants to be around you and says whatever they can that they think you want to hear. You get baraged by insinscere comments all day.. . o The kind of popular because you've done something really bad and everyone knows about it. (e.g. Columbine). . o The kind of popular where you are the school freak and everyone knows you but avoids you.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
i`m not populare.when i become them i`ll tell you:)
by (4.5k points)