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+47 votes
How can I tactfully inform a friend that they have an unpleasant odor?
by (4.6k points)

16 Answers

+21 votes
Best answer
Write:. You Smell Like Chuck Norris After He Roundhoused Your Mom. . On a Sticky-Note, put it on their forehead and let the magic of Chuck Norris work.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Its hard to tell someone there friend smells..I have the same problem my friend she smells really bad even before P.E and i didnt really want to tell her anything...but if your friend is a true friend they shouldnt get mad at you because you would actually be doing him/her a favor.....
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Like by him so new like deoderant that smells really good or like some soap or something like that and say like I use it and it works like really good.!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Just one day when he's particularly bad just be like 'dude, did you take a shower today?!' kinda joking like. If he says 'no' then be like 'I know, I could tell!' - again joking. If he says yes, then be like 'well wear some deoderant too!' -still jokeingly.. . Kinda hint hint him there without hurting his feelings too much.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
First of all, tell this to them privately. Explain to them that you are telling them, as a friend, that even though they may not realize it, you (and perhaps others) have noticed that they may have an issue with body odor.. . It is very difficult for a person to realize their own faults, problems or annoyances unless it is pointed out to them; if it is done tactfully and gently, your friend may actually appreciate you bringing this to their attention.. . You may want to go the extra step and help them find ways to eliminate the problem. It may be due to poor hygiene or perhaps it could be a medical condition. It's probably not best to jump to conclusions.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
When he walks in the room, ask him " What's that SMELL???" Make sure it's just and him though and not in front a bunch of others. When he plays dumb, because he will (if not then he would know he is stanky and would take better care of himself), then tell him it smells like B.O or whatever wretched smell that it is that is coming from him. Then ask him if it is HIM because you seem to smell it a lot around and ask him if he is allergic to deodarant or something...At least he will get the hint.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Dude you stink. No really you stink go take a shower or something
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
you say " hey i've been noticing some strange smell around here" Is it you.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You could buy him some nice cologne and then you wouldn't have to tell him he smells because then he would smell cologne-ish.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Buy a little perfume then when you two are doing something and he turns away then quick spray some on him!!!!. . LOL!!!
by (4.1k points)