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+50 votes
How can I tactfully inform someone about their body odor?
by (4.5k points)

8 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
Ask her if she works out everyday or jogs to school. Or ask if she has been under some stress.. When she answers or asks why tell her you noticed she has a order about her and you just want to let her know so she could spend a little more time in the shower or try a better deodorant cuz hers is failing her. Be kind and helpful like you have no idea she might smell because she just doesn't.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Does she smell like fish? If so, then that's just plain nasty! But, I would ask the teacher to speak with her.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
There is actually a medical condition (name escapes me at the moment) in which the unfortunate person exudes an unpleasant odor although I seem to remember that these people are usually aware of it, and seek medical help. I don't believe for a moment that anybody would deliberately do anything to make him- or herself smell awful, but whatever the cause is, I think the best way to handle it would be for you and one or two others to see the teacher quietly and explain the problem, and leave the teacher to probably communicate with the parents.. But if you do go to the teacher with this problem, whatever you do, don't be a'gigglin and a'laughin, or the teacher will get the idea that you are just pulling a stunt, and not take you seriously. If that teacher is going to stick her neck out and talk to that girl's parents, she is going to have to feel confident that the complaint is legit.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Write her a note but don't put your name... She should get the idea that way...I had a friend that smells, tell one of her co workers told her lol
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Just say, "honey, how long has your shower been broken?" She should get the hint. If she don't, she never will.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
buy her perfume, shampoo, and soap for her b-day, or stick it in her mailbox or school locker! Have ur mom write her a note (unsigned) and tell her ur a classmate and she smells and it would be her benefit to take a shower. (only reason ur mom would write it would be becuz that way she couldn't recognize the handwriting.) good luck!. . . to her: Happy Showering!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
sniff her, then yell out "YOU-REEK-A".
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
ooo this is a hard question....maybe tell her that you've noticed a odd scent & your not trying to be mean, maybe offer her some perfume...make a good conversation that won't hurt her feelings...yikes i am 27 & i can't think of something i would even say ....good luck, maybe it would be best if you can ignore her scent & have some others tell her
by (4.1k points)