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+66 votes
Explain the concept of inertia in simple terms for a fifth-grade student
by (4.2k points)

6 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Billiard balls has always been an accepted method. They transfer motion very well.
by (4.5k points)
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by (4.3k points)
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Inertia is the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or a body in straight line motion to remain in straight line motion unless acted upon by an outside force..... . Put a book on a table and leave it overnight....that illustrates the first part. Take the same book and put it on a students head and have them balance it on their head. When the book falls explain that it was acted upon by an outside force.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
richard is certanily correct. Inertia means an object will keep on doing what it is doing unless it is acted on some random force. As if i throw a ball, it will keep on doing what it is doing, but air resistance is the force that stops it from doing what it was originally doing.
by (4.5k points)
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It is dificult to explain Inertia without really understanding what it means.. Main Stream Physics define its properties very well.However According to Physisist Richard Feynman, Energy is not really understood by Scientists. Let alone gravitational Power!I am not go into General Relativity to Explain it.However ,what they call Inertia is really a gravity Power phenomena.. Gravity Power tends to lump(masses) objects together.. It takes application of power and use of energy to dislodge them.( in order word you need to eat enough wheaties so that you have enough power to move the object(overcoming inertia).It is easy to Test this Phenomena,by observing your passenger in the car as you make a sharp turn.Gravity Power will try to maintain direction and your car is using extra energy to change it. Your passenger will still travel in that direction and as a result ,relative to the car, he will be thrown to one side.. . You cannot explain Inertia without understanding Gravity.. The best thing to do for your students is tell the truth ,that you don't really understand it ,however ;this is what the effect of what science calls Inertia.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It is that objects have a tendency to continue to move in the same direction and the same speed unless an enteral force is applied. This means that stopped objects will continue to be stopped.
by (4.3k points)