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+85 votes
How can I learn to contribute stories to Penthouse Forum for freelance writing opportunities?
by (4.2k points)

2 Answers

+111 votes
Best answer
Actually, the answer is inside the front cover of any Penthouse magazine. You can also look in the forum itself, it tells you where to send them there also. However, the writing of those is a junior high level at best....if you want to freelance write sexually explicit material then submit to playboy.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
If you want to be a freelance writer:. . Any publisher will accept a great article--if it's well written, targeted at their audience, and the type of writing they publish.. . #1 Call and find out what types of articles they look for from freelance writers. Most publications are in desperate need of *something*. . . #2 You won't be paid up front. But, once you know what they want, come up with a few story ideas geared toward the publication.. . #3 Call back and run the ideas by the editor.. . #5 Write and submit the one he seems most interested in, close to the word count he says. . . #6 If it isn't accepted, call back to ask for feedback why.. . #7 Edit your story until he likes it. And pays you for it. All publications have a per-word rate for writing.. . Once you get a few pieces published--even 100 word details-only pieces, you will be considered dependable enough to be given "assignments" and you will have a "track record" for larger publications.. . And don't let an editor's constructive criticisms deter you either. They would love to find and encourage a great writer. Most people just don't follow through after not getting an immediate "assignment.". . And:. Give them an intreguing title suggestion (A billion creative titles each year can get difficult for them to come up with). Don't write in first person (Don't say: "I went in..." Say, "When you enter the bordello..." ;-) . Use an active voice (Don't say "As she was walking..." Say "As she walked."). And never EVER wake up from a dream at the end of your story.. ;-)
by (4.6k points)