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+40 votes
Explain what Quantum Physics is and its significance
by (4.5k points)

3 Answers

+112 votes
Best answer
Quantum physics is a fundamental physical theory that replaces Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels. It is the underlying framework of many fields of physics and chemistry, including condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, and particle physics. Often, it is the answer to questions when general relativity fails.
by (4.4k points)
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Quantum physics is the study of quantization in physics.. . In classical physics, systems are considered to be continuous. What this means is that if you look at electrons flowing through your monitor, for example, classical physics treats those electrons as a big "electron ocean" made of one giant liquid electron.. . Quantum physics takes into account that each electron exists in a separate physical location from each other - that each one is a quantum particle - and that nothing is continuous in reality.. . And so if a small quantum particle gains a quanta of energy (say it absorbs some light, for example) it may increase in energy by that amount. It cannot increase in energy by any more or less than a quanta, and so there is no possible way for an electron to gain "half" of a whole quanta of energy.. . Quantum physics is an open-ended science currently. What this means is that no one has a solid explanation of why nature should work in this fashion. In the mathematical formalism of quantum physics, there is a formula called the "wave function" that is associated with each particle. The wave function accurately predicts quantum experiments with 99.99% accuracy. The only problem, though, is that no one knows exactly what the wave function is - we only know that it works.
by (4.1k points)
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Quantum physics is the study of how particles behave in the Quantum world, which leads into the question of what is the quantum world. . . The laws of physics as Newton describes them answer a lot of questions about objects that we can see on a day to day basis. As objects get smaller though they behave in a manner that seems to be different than on a visible scale. . . Small particles like atoms and electrons behavior is predicted using quantum mechanics. Quantum physics then would be the study of the behavior of small particles using Quantum Mechanics.. . As an example an atom can either have X amount of energy or no energy is does not behave in a linear manner. Your car can go from 0 to 60 and if you have a digital speedometer you can track your car going from 0 to 60. You can for instance drive at 1 MPH. . . Atomic particles do not behave like this. A particle has descrete amounts of energy it either has the energy or it does not. The basis and prediction of this behavior lies in quantum mechanics. Hope this helps.
by (4.5k points)