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+109 votes
What is the meaning of quantum physics?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+31 votes
Best answer
The motion of Snake is So called the classical Physics. and the motion of the frog is quantum physics.. I mean, when you take the discrete values, then you are taking quantum leap.. Take another example, water from the closer look contains droplets while the river seems like a continous flow. So its up to u how closer do u go in to the understanding of the physical system.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
2 types of physics. Physics of the "small" and phsyics of the "large". . Quantum physics is physics of the "small" and deals with forces that act upon things that are small, like atoms and molecules. Quantum Leap was simply a show that was on TV for a while.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics that replaces Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels. It is the underlying framework of many fields of physics and chemistry, including condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, and particle physics. Along with general relativity, it is one of the pillars of modern physics.. . See this for more info:.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
What is true for big things that you can see is not necessarily true for the tiny things making up the big things that you cannot see.. . A quantum leap means having to give up all the things you believed to be true (big world) and take a chance on something totally different (little world)
by (4.4k points)