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+23 votes
What are some effective methods to stop hiccups?
by (4.2k points)

22 Answers

0 votes
Think about somthing you are worrying about.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Supposedly, hiccups are involuntary and you cannot control them. You can. Hiccups can be eliminated using your mental abilities without the need for water, sugar or other strange remedies. It is similar to wiggling your ears or making your tongue fold into a clover. It is not easy, not everyone can do it, but it works.. . There is one down side to this. If you *enjoy* having the hiccups, do not try this. Once you master this, it is virtually impossible to get the hiccups. Everyone who was successful at this has never gotten the hiccups again.. . The next time you get the hiccups, stop what you are doing and focus on the hiccup. Try to figure out where it is coming from and visualize that part of the body relaxing. You should be able to stop the hiccups by your third set or less.
by (4.7k points)