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+23 votes
What are some effective methods to stop hiccups?
by (4.2k points)

22 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
tilt your head back, hold your nose, and take a sip of water for each year old you are (if over 35 years old, I don't recommed this, just go until you can't hold your breath any longer). I swear, this works every time!
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
i know a couple....hav somebody try to scare you.......try holding you breath........try holding water or something toward the back of your throat for a couple seconds without swallowing it......stand on your head and hold your breath......if those dont work i dont know what to tell you
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
This is the only real way to instantly cure the hiccups! Look no further! The Hughes/Green method cure's the hiccups EVERY time GUARANTEED! You will be amazed! Hundreds of instantly cured hiccuper's have sent in their testimony's of deliverance! Files are available for researchers! Carefully understand both the HOW and the WHY of this method. If you don't get the WHY you might not get the HOW. Here's how to cure the hiccups:. . "Hughes/Green Hiccups Cure"© 1997. . (1) Pour a TALL glass of water.. . (2) Hold your breath... ***. . (3) IMPORTANT...PINCH YOUR NOSE CLOSED.. . (4) Slowly, take 10 - 20 swallows of the water...while holding your breath with your nose pinched closed.. . (5) When you can't stand it any'll know by that overwhelming drowning sensation -- after a gasp, take a deep breath and relax.. . This cures the hiccups 99 percent of the time - guaranteed! It's a proven medical remedy! (A second treatment could be necessary for stubborn cases.). . *** For stubborn cases, try EXHALING COMPLETELY and then taking 10 - 20 swallows.. . NOW: HERE'S WHY IT WORKS: Hiccups are caused by an uncontrollable spasm in the diaphragm, (the "breathing" muscle). Often, this spasm is triggered by irritable conditions in the smooth muscles of the stomach or the esophagus. The "Hughes/Green Hiccups Cure" forces an increase in the carbon dioxide levels in the diaphragm itself, as well as in the stomach and esophagus. By swallowing, you are making the muscles work -- so they use up their available oxygen and replace it with carbon dioxide. By temporarily discontinuing to breath, you prohibit new oxygen from entering your body and thus create an anaerobic condition in the spasming diaphragm muscle. When the spasming diaphragm and stomach are deprived temporarily of oxygen and encounter the higher levels of carbon dioxide ... you feel that scary drowning sensation! BUT this causes the spasming muscles to relax! The hiccups go away! Essentially, you are "tricking" your body into thinking that it's drowning ... and it decides to use it's resources for something other than hiccuping. The rather "scary" drowning sensation caused by this method is NECESSARY for the method to work. If it's not just a little bit difficult ... it doesn't work.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Hyperventilate, then take ten sips of water without breathing in between.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
suck on a spoonful of sugar. . it sounds crazy but it works!! now u always have an excuse to have a spoonful of sugar!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Technically... hiccups are caused by your diaphragm muscle, which is involuntary. That is, you can't control it. However, I usually try the drinking water/holding my breath method anyway. They'll go away eventually! :)
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Eat a spoon of sugar
by (3.8k points)
0 votes
get a glass of water no ice, light 2 matches put them out in the water stir with matches and drink this will get rid of the hiccups
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
shoot yourself.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Drinking water up-side down works everytime for me. By placing your mouth on the far side of the glass, you can slowly bend over and take a sip or two. I swallow the water while still bent over and by the time I raise back up the hiccups are gone.
by (4.2k points)