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+36 votes
A cable company I don't have an account with took money from my checking account and won't return it, what should I do?
by (4.1k points)

5 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Go to your bank and ask for an affidavit of forgery/unauthorized debit. Your bank will review the affidavit, refund you the money and take necessary action against the cable company.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
find out how they got your account informaton. go to your bank, tell them you didn't authorize the charges, you may get reimbersed that way
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
go after your bank if you didnt give permission to let them take the funds , your bank is responsable for keep your money safe , now if you gave permission then its on you to get it back from the company and then your lookin at small claims court
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Obviously you were a victim of fraudulence. You can ask your bank to trace back the charging. It is their responsibility to protect your account.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Either are they merely cheating you, someone stole your id and opened an account, someone that knows you used your id to open an account, or this company bought out another company that you do owe.. . YOu need to get a listing of who had this account, where the address of the account is. If it is ID theft, you will need to file a police report, then you send a copy of the police report and a request for the money to be repaid.. . If they still don't, you file a law suit in small claims court.. . To get money from your account, they will have to had your account and routing numbers. So someone had to give them this info.. . Or they sued you in court and got a judgement,
by (4.3k points)