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+4 votes
How can I ask someone to remove their belongings from my house?
by (4.2k points)

14 Answers

+87 votes
Best answer
Stop being nice about it. Put everything in a box, take it to his place and leave it on the porch. There you go- done and he doesn't have an excuse to come back over to your place.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
You can write him a letter and give him ample oppurtunity to responddo, then send five more and then either get rid of it or sell it if you're mean, but only if he doesnt respond. have some type of witness that can say you have written him and given him notice(this will keep you out of trouble with the law)
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You don't really have any obligation to him. Tell him he has until a certain day and time or you will donate and/or discard his stuff. Then do what you say.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I think you have to give him a certain amount of time,or rent a storage unit,move the stuff,hand him the key,and there you go,lol.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Buy a case of beer, get some of your co workers together for the weekend and have a moving his crap out party, place everything he left there by the street. He's had enough warnings and requests to come get his crap by now, time is up, time to act. Good Luck.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
I'm just going to share my experience. You've already got plenty of answers.. . When I moved in with my husband-to-be, his old gf's stuff was still stored in the basement from when she moved to another state. At first it was fine, and then I started getting nosy, and then I started getting acquisitive....and then I finally got tired of her crap sitting in MY basement. I ended up taking what I wanted, and then I actually threw a party for my friends to come and take what they wanted! It was mostly clothes. She did eventually turn up again, and took back her camera (boo!) but she never even asked about anything else....ha!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
A real estate lawyer can answer this as it varies from one state to another, but at the very least you should post a legal notice in the local paper for five days, stating your intention to dispose of the property if it is not picked up before a certain date.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I think he has like 30 days to remove it after you tell him then its yours do what you want with it
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
call one of his friends or relatives if you can't get ahold of him. If he hasn't been back to pick it up, either keep it or throw his junk out.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Box it up. . Tape it shut. . Place it on the curb. . Call him and tell him if he doesn't pick it up by the end of the day, (5:00pm), it becomes compost.. He'll be there.
by (4.4k points)