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+91 votes
How can one effectively overcome procrastination?
by (4.2k points)

5 Answers

+27 votes
Best answer
Sadly, most procrastinators are prefectionists. . . To stop the procrastination you have to give up some of the perfection.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
If you're the procrastinator then it's simple. Make a decision and make yourself act on it! If your boss is the procrastinator then there's not much you can do without risking your job. If your spouse is the procrastinator, then ride their butt to make a decision and stay on them until they act on it. This, of course, will create disharmony in the home, but their procrastination is probably already causing a certain amount of disharmony. If it's a co-worker, talk with them about it, then ride their butt until they make a decision and act on it! The other option you have is to simply learn to live with it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
as Nike always said -- 'Just Do It'.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ask why are you procrastinating, is it because:. . You don't know what to do? (This is the one that gets me most of the time.). . You don't like doing it?. . It is difficult to do?. . It takes too much time?. . You don't have the skills to do it?. . . If you know why then you can tackle the problem and that can make it easier to stop procastinating.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'll let you know in another 6 and a half days or so (this is a new question ;-). . Seriously, I wish I knew! (Oil fields answer is the best so far). . I am working on it - I promise. . 10/20 @ 2:45 pm - I think I will have time to answer tomorrow. . 10/21 @ 1:01 pm - I am really slammed now, I will type out the answer tomorrow, I promise!
by (3.9k points)