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+20 votes
How can one overcome procrastination and begin organizing their tasks?
by (4.1k points)

6 Answers

+48 votes
Best answer
I gotta find the answer, it's here somewhere. I'll look for it later.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
you can think of the conciquences and try to see what happens if you dont do it. If your responsible you will feel tense and immediately do it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I use the three box method. It is great for procrastinators as it is a baby-step method to organization. A whole room can be over whelming, which is keeping you from doing anything. Start here:. . Get three nice sized boxes and label them as follows:. . KEEP, SELL/DONATE, TOSS. . Keep (but to stored in another area, bathroom stuff in the bathroom, tools in the garage, papers in the desk/file cabinet). . Sell/Donate (and don't start another heap of this stuff, just make sure you have that Yard sale, or donate to someone who will appreciate the things that have been burried under clutter for years). . Throw away - make sure you throw this stuff away immediatly or you will be tempted to add it back to the clutter pile.. . The great thing is, is that you just fill the three boxes and you will start to find the floor and the counters again. YOU MUST make sure to deal with and empty the booxes immediatly upon filling, or you will have another problem. Once you do that, just repeat as you feel up to it, and before you know it, you will be organized.. . Another way to stay organized is to have a "Launch Pad". This is an area that you designate to empty your pockets and dump your mail and other things as you walk into the house. Try to tidy up your launch pad each night and you will not fall into the patterns of clutter.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Next time you almost go sit in front of the TV, tell yourself "Before I sit, I must clean the kitchen table." Do one part of the house every night. Over time, stretch it to two. And so on.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Read some good books on the topics and follow a system that works. If you're struggling to make sense of "concrete" categories and the like, then just hire a personal assistant for a one time job of organizing. There are people who do exactly that in a professional manner!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
start each day with a LIST of things to accomplish. simple checklist, really. just to organize yr day. put that list where u'll see it all day. a pocketsize notebook or a notepad next to the screen u r reading now. add to it as u go along.. . get them done and cross out the 'done' items. works for me. now GET BACK TO WORK!!!
by (4.3k points)