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+114 votes
We are looking for an apartment that allows dogs, but have been rejected by all real estate agents we contacted. How can we find a suitable apartment?
by (4.4k points)

9 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
That happened to us all the time here in Alaska, until we got some good advice. You go to all other landlords and get references just like you would for yourselves, but on your dog. If you can't get them let a relative fill one out for you.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
We got a cat and just sneaked him in. We then (months later) sprung the news on our estate agent. We told him one of us got the cat as a present. He was OK with it.. It might, of course, be risky to do that, especially that dogs cannot be "hidden" inside but then again, it could work (provided estat office is not near your flat). I don't think there's anything else you can do, other than getting your own place.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Some apartments have codes which let you have the dog if it follows the weight code, or just sneak it in. I used to live in apartment for five years of my life that allowed no animals . All five years I raised a German Shepard from 6 weeks old.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I know exactly what you are going through because I went through it with my dog. I lived in Germany, where they love animals and even allow you to bring your dog into resturants while you eat and everyone is practically in a dog club. But when it came to wanting to rent an apartment, alot of owners said no because they were worried about the damage. Finally someone gave us a chance after we offered to pay a little extra to the security deposit. We also had to pick up his poo everytime he went around the area...but that is just a normal thing that all dog owners should do, no matter where they are at. My advice for you is to be patient, look around some more and offer to pay a little more. Luckily, by the time we moved in, our 100lbs lap dog was potty trained and very lovable to all. Plus our next door neighbor also owned the same breed as us, so everyone already knew what to expect. If you keep looking around, you might get lucky.. . If you want to move like right now and can't wait, then try to buy, either a condo or house...some condos are more reasonable in price then a house, if you aren't ready for that step just yet. Above all things, don't get rid of your little bundle of joy just cause no one will rent to you because of him. What ever you decide, good luck.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Do not rent an apartment, buy your own.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Unfortunately, discriminating against people with pets is allowed, even though I have seen children do more damage and cause more problems in apartment buildings than pets. The only thing you can do if you cannot afford to buy your own home is to keep trying, is try renting from a private owner and offer to give an extra amount of security deposit if someone allows you to have the dog there.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I had the same problem. You may need to settle for a house rather than an apartment. I called a radio station, they put me on air & I put forward my plight to the listening public. It worked! I had numerous responses forwarded to the station & ended up having 3 houses to choose from! I also have excellent references for both myself and my dogs. It may sound weird but do a C.V. for your dog - much the same as you would do for yourself for a job. Include name, age, temperament, health, vaccinations etc... When filling out applications for homes include your references and your dogs' C.V.. . Good luck!!!!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
dont tell them you have a dog duh yall must be white
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Sneak the dog in, but control him.. . It is no-one elses business what i have or do in my own home.
by (4.6k points)