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+46 votes
How can I build self-confidence and trust in my abilities?
by (4.7k points)

4 Answers

+112 votes
Best answer
I hope this helps, but when i felt i needed to believe in myself more, i A. Thought back on the good things that i did in the past and how it affected myself and others. and B. I asked my friends and family if they believed in me, that little boost from them always helps.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
make a good frienship with the mirror
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
believing in your self does not come easily especially if you were not treated proper growing up and if people found you and easy target to pick. Sometimes the easiest way to start believing in yourself is to find something that you are very good at and and running with it. Once you find something that you are good at and you know to do very well. the show it to other people. . As people start to see that you have a talnte and you are good at something they will begin to show interest in to what youare interested in and suddenly you will start to feel some self worth and start to belive in your self and waht you can do and what you do makes people happy. No don't get me wrong it takes tme and it is a process but as you progress in what you are trying to do you will soon see that you are wonderful person and believing in your self is quite easy all the time. . Take care and I hope this helps you out
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
stop listening to others
by (4.6k points)