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+8 votes
Why do some Sunni-Muslims view terrorists as heroes while Shia-Muslims do not?
by (4.2k points)

8 Answers

+80 votes
Best answer
An Islamic idea called Jihad states that one must fight for Islam. It can be fighting temptation, preaching about Islam, or fighting for Islam. Sunni extremists and their followers, (not all Sunnis support terrorism,) take the militaristic form, and they take it overboard. Shias tend to be less violent.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
You need to get your facts straight. Shia and Sunni are not differentiated by whether or not they respect tErrorists. The people who are respecting the terrorists are radical, extremist muslims who do not respect the prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
We are all muslims.... . the idea you have is completly wrong..... . Islam is ANTI-Terror.... . . . . and... MumboVonJumbo. . you are a closed mind, Anti-Muslim ignorant man.. . every where i go in yahoo answers.... it seems that your only job is to make muslims look bad, and post these websites (they sure are paying you...). . MumboVonJumbo, whenever i see your name. I KNOW I'M GONNA READ SOMETHING STUPID
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I am a muslim and sunny. you should know that the picture you are getting about the middle east is not accurate. I study in a university with some shia classmates. we work to gether like brothers. I beleave in my faith as he does. it is like a protestant and catholic with some differences.. And about terrorests, I am sorry to tell you again that you are not accurate. We condemn (SP) any body how kills the inocent and terrify (SP) them. The misunderstanding here is how you difine a " terrorist " and we do.. this word is being abused by America to the extinct that every muslim or arabian or sunny is a terrorist which is wrong.. I do beleave that there are good and bad people on the BOTH sides, also I beleave that some people are taking advantage of the sitution (sp).. . NO BODY HAVE THE RIGHT TO RELATE TERRORISM TO A SPECIFIC RELIGON OR ETHNICITY BECAUSE THIS IS A BAD GENERALISATION
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
the shiites are more radical than the sunni. to understand do more research on the religon
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The unfortunate problem with islam is that it has a lot of violence and hatred within. Of course Christianity does also, however most Christians seem to focus on the love in their history instead of the violence. Perhaps in some future time islam will evolve into a peaceful religion. There are progressive muslims that abhore the violence of fundamentalist muslims. Unfortunately they are a minority. So for the time being at least, the violence will continue.. An excellent site to learn about Islam is: . . This is a site by . . Ali Sina who is a former Muslim from Iran.. AND HERE:. Check out the video:. .
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
its just how things are done over there
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Let me tell you some points:. 1. Sunni or Shia, both groups of Muslims hate terrorism & people like Laden. Terrorism has no place in Islam.. 2. Sunni Muslims do not consider terrorists as heroes.. 3. Yes, there may be some problems among Sunni & Shia Muslims in Iraq but those are just for political reasons. Every country has political parties who mostly have disagreement among them. And, sometimes it goes extreme.. . Islam has no place for racism & bigotry. That's why we can't conclude that one of them are better than the other.
by (4.4k points)