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+33 votes
Why does the western world often view Muslims as terrorists?
by (4.3k points)

14 Answers

+64 votes
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Unfortunately there are a number of (self claimed) Muslim groups who have a disproportionate affect on what people think of Muslims.. . I would also have to say that there is a less than forthright attitude to condemnation from the Muslim establishment when an act is committed.. . I really feel for the moderate Muslims stuck in the middle of this but, unfortunately, a fair bit of the prejudice is generated from groups within Islam.. . Peace out
by (4.4k points)
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I hope there's just a little translation difficulty and you mean "why does the west view the Muslims as terrorists?" I hope so because that is the question I am going to answer.. . I don't think the west views the Muslim religion as a big group of terrorists. It is the portion of Muslim people that take only a certain part of this religion, and become insanely extreme in their belief of that certain part that anyone not Muslim should be killed, that are viewed as terrorists.. . It is the same with any religion. Hitler, for example, wrote his own book of religion. Hitler was crazy! He killed millions of people because they did not agree with the same religious beliefs that he had. Saddam Hussein and other extreme Muslim leaders have been as evil as Hitler, both toward their own people and toward citizens of other Countries. Hussein and other extreme Muslim leaders have inflicted unspeakable terror and acts of horror on their own countrymen and women, filling mass graves with thousands upon thousands of Muslim people.. . It's my humble opinion that no one with respect for others has anything against the people of the Muslim faith; however, it is difficult to know who is and who is not an extreme fanatic. That does not apply only to Muslims, but also to fanatical Christians and other religions. Any crazed and fanatic sect that is willing to follow a maniac for a leader should be stopped as soon as they demonstrate any act that tells the world they are dangerous and the maniac leader should be hunted down and put in jail for life.. . There has to be understanding, acceptance and respect on all sides in order to stop this madness of war and see one another as just people who believe differently. BUT, no one in the world should allow a crazed maniac to kill millions, to do terrorist acts (such as the World Trade Center). In this, we should all ban together to rid the world of these maniacs, no matter where they live.. . I have nothing against Muslims. I don't know anyone that has anything against Muslims. I don't know anyone that believes ALL Muslims are terrorists. But, I do have a lot of hard feelings against Hussein, bin Laden and others like them who would see all Christians dead and who even torture and kill their own people even if it means they take their own life in order to kill others.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
because while the New Testament of the Western Bible changes the relationship with God from a punisher to a compassionate lover, the Q'ran plainly and directly instructs the killing of apostates in several verses which are routinely quoted every day by Western lawyers fighting for refugees asking for asylum from countries using Islamic law (sometimes Shariah law, sometimes not). . "O' ye that believe, take not Jews and Christians as your friends and protectors" (Qur'an, Surah 5:54)". . "Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. Seize them. Beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them" (Qur'an, Surah 9:5). . blah blah blah. There are tonnes more quotes like this. Loving Muslims exist but they must reinterpret or flatly ignore a great amount of instruction from the Qu'ran to reach such a state. The Qu'ran really lends itself much easier to those inclined to violence. Enormous liberties are required to interpret the New Testament the same way, hence the general ridicule and loss of credibility for violent Christians.. . It's not just the West you know, it's the East too. . . . That's why.. . Thinking of responding? Check out this article first on contradictions
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
poor education - we europeans are very insular and anyone "different" from us must be wrong. I know 99.99% of muslims aren't terrorists but we must educate our children and encourage sharing our communities together so that we can respect each other's ways
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
because the Muslims are involved in 90% of all the trouble spots in this world, and the Quran says to spread the teachings of Mohammed by fire and sword
by (4.5k points)
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maybe because you are ? "quack-quack". . how many times do we have to watch our flag burned as muslims chant "death to America" before we think your all terrorists ?
by (4.2k points)
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by (4.2k points)
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take a real look at the history of Islam. Even Mohammad spread his religion by military means.
by (4.4k points)
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If he doesn't see the mass conversion of native peoples in North and South America as being forced, then what is it? They wanted a gentler kinder god?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
We hear all the time about how representatives of Muslim say that Islam is about peace, but all examples of their actions we see is about war, intolerance, and a superiority complex. You can call it ignorance, but we haven't really heard anything about the religous people themselves expressing pacifism or uniting against terrorists. As far as the west can see, the leaders of Islam are those that rule the theocratical governments that support terrorists under table while saying empty words of peace and discontent at the actions of the West. The theocracies censor all messages from their religous leaders that express a doctrine other than gov't doctrine. Therefore the west identifies muslims with the terrorists and corrupt gov't that speak for the muslim people. The truth is also because the terrorists uses the disguise of normal people and the only thing many of them have in common is that they're muslims. It is shear ignorance, but you can't deny a little truth.
by (4.3k points)