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+103 votes
Clarify the question regarding glaucoma and its relationship with medications
by (4.5k points)

2 Answers

+103 votes
Best answer
BECAUSE the consequences of unmanaged glaucoma are so devastating (blindness). Many medications have the potential to worsen glaucoma or counteract the medicines used to treat it -- since the result can be so significant, they tell you not to use this medicine without your Dr's knowledge and approval.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Many (or even most) medications have side effects involving the sympathetic nervous system, involved in the "fight or flight" response. Sympathetic nervous system side effects can cause glaucoma attacks in susceptible people with a type of glaucoma called narrow angle glaucoma. Most of these medications are fine for people with the more common open angle glaucoma, but you should ask your doctor to be sure.
by (4.7k points)