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+51 votes
Question: How can we understand the perception of God regarding women and homosexuals?
by (4.3k points)

28 Answers

+84 votes
Best answer
God loves all. People who wrote the Bible, the Koran etc. disliked women and homosexuals. BTW google this "bible sex" These people had fun too LOL
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
If he's real, he doesn't 'seem to'; he does.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
He is crazy about all of us...
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
you have found more fatal flaws in the bible. thanks for reading the fictional work and being able to question it and see its errors. it's nice to see someone here who can think.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
God doesn't hate women?. Okay. . God punishes Eve, and all women after her, with the pains of childbirth and subjection to men. Adam is also punished, although less severely. He now will have to work for a living because he "hearkened unto the voice" of his wife.. Abram makes his wife lie for him, by telling the Egyptians that she is his sister. But at least it was half-true, since she was his half-sister. Such incestuous marriages are condemned elsewhere in the Bible, but god makes an exception for Abram and Sarai.. Women are dirty and sinful after childbirth, so God prescribes rituals for their purification. If a boy is born, the mother is unclean for 7 days and must be purified for 33 days; but if a girl is born, the mother is unclean for 14 days and be purified for 66 days. This is because, in the eyes of God, girls are twice as dirty as boys.. Miriam and Aaron (Moses' brother and sister) criticize Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman and thus breaking the law of God. But God makes it clear that his rules don't apply to his favorites, and he strikes Miriam with leprosy. Notice that only Miriam is punished, though both she and Aaron complained. . Caleb offers to give his daughter to whoever conquers the city of Debir. Caleb's nephew wins the contest and is given his cousin for a prize.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It sure seems that ways sometimes doesn't it? Religion is a creation of man and you have to see the bias that is built into religion and the time from when these ideas originated. People continue these biases as if they were straight from God. If God truly does hate certain groups of people, I am not sure I want to follow that god.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
God loves both just not the homo's lifestyle. God loves women equally but He designed men to be leaders in the world, church ,and family so He seems to give them more attention. It's hard to understand cause today we have womens equal rights and don't see it the same. Remember in Heaven there won't be genders.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
God loves every one but hates sin.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Where do you get God don't like women. As far as homosexuals he hates their sin, not them.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
he doesnt dislike woman
by (4.0k points)