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+69 votes
What is the meaning behind the question, 'Do you have a God'?
by (4.4k points)

9 Answers

+51 votes
Best answer
They may not recognize that there is a difference. Or they may want to keep it open - to be interpreted "God as you believe Him."
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Well "Bad wrong", sorry, it's the only reference to badong I know... . . This example shows that our speech must, inherently, presume some similar knowledge between people, if expediency is expected. This rush for communicating our understanding is the root of the problem, and symbolizes our own previous lack of being understood as being a motivation, rather than us having the motive for the other person to be understood.. . It is a lack of self contentment, and a sure sign of uncertainty in the asker, no matter how sure they think they are.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Thou art God.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Interesting question but I don't understand what you mean exactly, so if my answer is way off I apologize.. . If you are talking aobut he many ways that people use and write the word God then I sure agree that they need to be specific.. . If they mean the son - Jesus. If they mean the father - Jehovah,. If they mean the muslum God - Allah etc.. Satan is even a God to some. . . . There are many Gods - the word god is just a title and there are many gods. Imagine if every person was just called MR. or MRS, or MS with no name attached! It would be as confused as religion seems to be today.. . The Bible (The Holy Scriptures) was written with names for accuracy - through history some had the gall to remove the divine name though. This has caused a lot of jumbled up ideas.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
depends on the asker and the askee. god is good.some believers may not know what god is whilst some non-believers can be very much in touch with god and not know it. god is a word for an ideal that cannot be explained or taught only discovered, which is why there are so many books written about god and they all differ.people believe what they want, and the written(or spoken) word can easily be manipulated.that's what i think, i could be very wrong.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It just means are you a spiritual person and if so then what religion are you. it really is none of anybodies business but they still somehow think it is? How odd that people won't tell you that you have something green in your teeth but they will ask if you have a God. How odd and how wrong.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
They are asking if you are brainwashed.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
There are many little gods ...When one uses a capital G in God , I'm sure they mean The God and not little gods like allah the moon god. When I make an address toward the name of God, I try to be specific in saying YHVH God The Father who sent His Son Yahshua Messiah , Jesus Christ The Anointed One
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Everybody that believes in god knows (or should know) that god, as their god. Every bodies god is different. Its a spiritual belief. My god doesn't look like the guy you see in the movies or even the pictures in the bible. Your god may or may not also.
by (4.3k points)