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+108 votes
Do you have a personal belief in God and why?
by (4.1k points)

15 Answers

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I dont. My thing is this...people say "oh he should have been killed in that accident, but god was there to save him and all he got was a broke back and two broke legs" IF there is a god, why didnt he stop the accident in whole? It drives me nuts when people use that as an excuse
by (4.4k points)
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We are here and we couldn't have come from rocks an water, this is a reason to know God is real. There is no hell, the Creator can fix anybody and anything that's broken. Be nice to people and receive a bright spiritual body or be an a_ _hole and get a dull gray dim spiritual body. "Stay bright yo!"
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Yes there is a God , The One Alone AlMighty All Capable Lord who is making your heart beat in your chest. and I believe in the AlMighty All Capable One Alone God, The Lord of us all.. “Whenever a person thinks about the motion____ a thought of the motion-setter comes in his mind automatically”. (Andrew Connde). . God is really existing! Quest of a hundred percent convincing argument in support of this claim, is a matter of specific nature. Which is totally dependent upon one’s own research and experience.. . If you will try to understand the Faith, in accordance with it’s prescribed conditions and sources. Then sooner or later, you will come to the enlightening nature and truthfulness of the claim, definitely.. . And___ when you will become aware of particular nature of the link between God-n-man including its prescribed conditions to maintain it. And___ when you will become wholeheartedly busy in positive accomplishment of the prescribed conditions. Then, as a result of your sincerity___ such a link between God-n-man will develop___ that no room will remain vacant for any type of doubt or suspicion. And___ faith in God will elevate you up to such an extent that you will feel and realize the Lord____ quiet near and familiar to you. And___ such a soothing satisfaction will prevail all-around you which is meant for the chosen-ones alone.. All the deniers deny God, on account of the reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. And ___ all the believers believe in God, on account of the same reason that God is not encircled by their intellect. Therefore, the believers and the deniers, the both, do agree that God is not encircle-able by human intellect.. . The believers do believe that God is Ever Sufficient for them and for their needs. And___ God not only, suffices them and their needs, rather, God guides them in every matter in every walk of life. By and by, a co-existing fact is notice-worthy that God remains Ever Sufficient for the deniers as well.. . If God had been for the believers alone and God had not been for the deniers___ then everyone would have believed in God’s existence equally so as to meet their needs of life equally.. Rational thinking has collected a series of scientific about the universe whose result is highly thought-provoking____ which has been summarized in the following words:. . “No material thing is capable to create it by itself”.. . This result is based on such an authentic calculation that we can not find any room to criticize it in rational terms. Through irrational terms, of course, one can criticize it as much as he desires.. . Strange is the fact that this calculation brings forth, detailed answers of all the questions, which arise, in human mind, about existence of God.. . . “No material thing is capable to create it by itself”. . means that there is a Creator of all the things of universe.. . 1. Who is this Creator?. 2. How like is this Creator?. 3. Where is this Creator?. . These are the questions to be answered in detail.. . Each creature is identifiable within its particular creaturely limits and the creatures of the universe are countless. And___ they are all alike on the one side and different from each other on the other side. So, we come to the following three important attributes of their Creator, automatically:-. . 1. The Creator owns infinite knowledge & all-encompassing creativity.. 2. Harmony, Balance, Style and System of Creation reveal that the Creator is the All-Alone Owner of the Nature & the Almightiness.. 3. The Creator is Unseen Omnipotent and nothing is alike the Creator. And, the Creator can never be considered as a limited, conceivable and physically approachable thing.. . . Nothing is alike the Creator means that everything of this universe is a creaturely thing. And____ the word of “thing” itself determines the boundaries of a creature & encircles its material or immaterial existence. While the Creator of this infinite & inapprehensible uni
by (4.7k points)
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I am a Theist, I believe in God. I believe He created everything in six days, man rebelled against Him, He sent Jesus Christ to redeem man, and soon whoever is still in rebellion against Him will be JUSTLY punished for eternity. Why do I believe this? Because the Bible said it. I am still waiting for the Bible to be proved wrong.. . On the topic of the deity of Jesus. Jesus is part of the Trinity. He is 100% God and 100% man. Jesus was born around 3 B.C.E. (Before Christian Era) He was born to Mary and Joseph, both descendants of King David. He did many miracles, died, and rose again on the third day. Many non-Jewish/Christan sources reference Jesus, and not many Atheists I have heard of deny the existence of a man named Jesus, but they deny his Deity. Jesus' followers died in his name, because He was the Son of God, they saw the miracles, saw him after the resurrection, and witnessed his ascension. This is what they died for, if this is a lie, don't you think, when they are about to get killed, say it was all a lie?. . Why does God allow pain and suffering? If Got the Creator, created man to live life in two stages, an earthly life and an afterlife, Is it absolutely wrong for God to move his creation from one stage to the other? Man rejected God and is in rebellion against him because of sin in the world. People dying is a fact of life. Things just happen. None of these car crashes, or terrorist attacks were orchestrated by God. I believe the future is open, so whatever happens just happens. Since there is suffering on Earth, wouldn't it be more cruel to prolong the life here? Anyway He gives you a chance at ETERNAL LIFE, so go ahead and spend your life here the way you like, but ultimately, you will get eternal life, It is your choice WHERE you spend that, in Heaven or Hell.. . I believe that a something cannot make itself from nothing, and everything will run out of energy sooner or later. The universe could NOT have always existed because it would have run out of all usable energy long ago. It had to have been made. The Big Bang theory states that all matter in the universe exploded into existence from a small, golf ball sized object. Well, where did THAT come from? It must have been created, unless it was always there. Don't you Atheists still need faith to believe that?. . The Bible. To my knowledge, there is no scientific proof that contradicts the Bible. I'll start with Dinosaurs. Tanniyn is the Hebrew word generally associated with “dinosaur”, “sea monster”, “dragon”, “serpent”, “reptile”, or “great creature”. This word occurs 28 times in the Bible. Two other names are mentioned, Behemoth and Leviathan. The description of a behemoth is found in Job 40:15-24. The Leviathan in Job 41, Psalm 104:25 and 26, and Isaiah 27:1. I will not write out the verses here, feel free to look them up on any on line Bible. . In 1 Corinthians 15:41 the Bible tells how each star is different. All stars look alike to the naked eye, but scientific discoveries have proved the Bible correct! In Job 26:7, it describes how God stretched out the north over empty space; He hung the earth on nothing. About 300 years ago, science discovered air had weight, but this was stated in Job 28:25. Ecclesiastes 1:6 describes the circulation of the atmosphere. Job 30:5 and 6, this is the origin of cavemen. I could go on, but here is a website to go to
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
yes, once I prayed to him, and asked him to show me life more clear. then he did.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
The whole part of faith is lack of proof, religion was created to answer the unanswerable questions. Who knows who wrote the bible but whoever did just wanted the world to be a better place. Im not very religeous but I still believe in god, not because I believe its all true but the thought of Oblivion or nothingness after death scares the crap out of me.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Yes I do. I know that God exists and lives among us. . You say He has never done anything for you yet you woke up this morning. No proof He ever existed yet you see the trees and grass and the clouds.. Do me a favor and answer this question. What is faith? The answer is found in the Bible in Hebrews 11:1. . Search deep within yourself and ask God to show you that He does exist and He will meet you right where you are.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I do but I don't. I believe in a higher power, but not "god". I also think that god is both male and female. not just one gender. I don't believe in hell, or in the devil. I also believe in spirit guides. Angels are there to help you but they aren't people and can't speak, but they sing. I believe that we choose our own lives before we come here to earth. Also that we have multiple lives, recarnation.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
No one has to prove to you that God exists, because no one can disprove it. And un less you come to know the Lord, one day you will regret denying your Maker
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I don't mind if god exist or not exist. So it's neither for me...
by (4.4k points)