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+108 votes
Do you have a personal belief in God and why?
by (4.1k points)

15 Answers

0 votes
He gave you life.. Is that totally invaluable to you so you wont mind if you die tomorrow? Most ppl value life..Yes I believe cuz He called me 30 yrs ago...Jesus wrote the Bible through the prophets
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
No, you are not going to hell. The reason I believe is just because of everything that is. Somehow this world is here because of a greater being and I believe it is God. I also believe in the afterlife and so forth. There has to be something. That's all !
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Yes the proof of God is in the Making. The energy always comes from then energetic. It always takes a person to make something. So the Supreme Person Made the cosmic creation. It's very scientific. A book that can give you tons of proof from a scientific view is The Hidden History of the Human Race and BY Michael A. Cremo also How the Universe Was Created and our Purpose in it -Vedic understanding (The Vedas where given at the time of creation like a how to book) How to get the best deal out of this place and when we have had enough how to exit and get the best benefit. Get at
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
No. Theres no evidence, apart from that fairytale book called the bible.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
nope. i see no good reason for belief
by (4.3k points)