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+9 votes
How can we understand the Holocaust in relation to the existence of God and the concept of prayer?
by (4.4k points)

25 Answers

+34 votes
Best answer
An amusing little question. It could be said that god demanded the six million as down payment for allowing the State of Israel to be (re)created. After all, when he first gave the land to the Jews he demanded that they exterminate the native population.
by (4.3k points)
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prayer is an outlet for ppl to express their needs to God.. God being almigty and powerful with all hiw wisdom (sry.. gotta love him) does not anwer all prayers..
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
when you pray, there are 3 answers to your prayers; Yes, No, or later. I cant tell you why these things happen, but they do. God gives us free will. He lets us make our own choices. So, when the Nazi's decided it was over, then it was over. Bad things happen, its part of life and growing, but without pain and sorrow, you cannot fully understand what it feels like to have hope. Even though the Jews suffered much pain and tourture for their beliefs, they probably are experiencing joy and happiness in Heaven. so, their prayers were answered, they got to feel no more pain
by (4.1k points)
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G-d didn't kill the 6 million. Hitler did. People get Aids because of laws of nature. If evil cannot be perpetrated there would be no free choice in this world. . . I am not Christian (I'm Jewish) and I have no need to shove G-d down anyone's throat. Anyone can choose to believe what they want to. I just feel compelled to write my personal thoughts and understanding of G-d.. . If we'd get rid of G-d, all our hearts would stop beating, the sun would stop rising, the ocean's would dry out, babies wouldn't be born, flowers wouldn't bloom and so on and so forth. . . As far as children or anyone dying from illness that is a tough one. I have cried to G-d in various circumstances in my life, most of the time I feel His Benevolence and Kindness but there are times when I wonder if He cares about me. I believe this is the test of faith. Just as a parent sometimes says no to a child no matter how much the child pleads and begs, so G-d does the same. Sometimes He says NO. But I believe no prayer ever goes unanswered. And I have seen this in my personal life. When years ago things didn't turn out as I wanted but now things are falling into place. Maintaining a relationship with G-d can be a real challenge, and it is normal to wonder and doubt sometimes. Even King David who had a very close and consistent relationship with G-d said "From where will come my help?" And then he answered it "My help is from G-d", but we see that even he struggled with that thought sometimes. . . (By the way, I'm talking about the real G-d, NOT Jesus).. . I Hope my thoughts were helpful to you.
by (4.5k points)
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by (4.2k points)
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No you may not hear a "amen" on that one. God didnt kill anyone, for she is good and perfect. Man is the one who does the killings here, my friend.
by (4.3k points)
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Prayer does not give him the option to choose, God always has choices. God did not "savagely kill 6 million jews," the Nazi people did. God has a plan for these things. If it wasn't for the holocaust, do you think the country of Israel would exist? Probably not as it was formed after World War II and the Nazi atrocities. Through this he has brought together Jews worldwide as a cohesive group. He also raised awareness of their treatment and we are now much more sensitive to them, instead of calling them witches or heretics like has been done in history.. . Hari Krishna's do not worship the Christian "God", they worship Krishna, who is a reincarnation of the Hindu deity Vishnu.. . If you have such a problem with it, why don't you start the religion of whiners who feel that philosophy will save the world, even though philosophers can't agree on anything.
by (4.5k points)
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There's no "Amen" here.. . This could be a long discussion. But focus on a few things:. . 1. What's the alternative to God stepping in every time someone wants to do the wrong thing? (No more "moral choice" for humans, we'd be puppets, our free will violated.). . 2. Why did human beings allow Hitler to kill six million Jews? Why didn't most of us do something earlier? (Again, people are culpable.). . 3. Why does God allow Christians to be martyred in India and other countries because they've converted? Bad stuff happens all the time, even to those who believe... and yet many of them die willingly, purposefully, because they believe.. . I'm not sure why you believe you can be objective. NO ONE is objective, because we're limited intellects; some people are more objective than others, but we're all subjective. . . (Heck, if you want to talk science, even quantum physics shows that we cannot stand "outside" our experiences looking in, without affecting things. No one is an objective outside observer. It simply is impossible.). . As far as an alternative to some of the religions you mention, I look at our secular culture and don't see this "objective, world-based, love for humanity" philosophy, I see capitalism and self-centeredness. . . How would you handle disagreement in belief when they clash in practical ways? How on earth would you define and then implement your idea? Have you thought about this? You need to, if you're going to make a truth claim like that.. . There's a reason why Objectivism didn't catch on -- and it's not because people are stupid.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'm sorry that you are so angry at GOD. But lets put GOD out of the picture. In nature every organism, every animal have a natural predator to keep balanced in the cycle of life, looking at this situation carefully we really don't have a natural predator except ourselves, we need to die in order to keep the balanced of nature, in the case of AIDS is our own irresponsibility, with the exception of children and people who got blood transfusion, who are the real victims, in natural disaster is to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You see is not really GOD but US People.
by (4.1k points)
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poor jews ...Irish starved to death ..blacks were beaten killed sold at market.. hundreds of native americans tribes were totally exterminated. All cultures have their tales of hell. Babies die everyday ..this is misery to us humans which are only here for a blink of an eye..The long term of the soul is what counts and lasts not earthly tribulations, they are just filler in the whole scheme of existance
by (4.4k points)