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+93 votes
Why do some Anglo individuals often claim Cherokee ancestry when interacting with Native Americans?
by (4.4k points)

15 Answers

+71 votes
Best answer
What i think is funny is that a large portion of the people who claim Cherokee, claim that their great grandmother was a Cherokee princess. Okay, if your Cherokee and telling the truth, FINE, BUT there was no such thing as royalty in the indigenous nations back in the day...yes there were chiefs...but the false label of "_____ Princess" actually came from when the beautiful young indigenous females that were shipped to "the old world" and forced to slavery within royal family homes...BUT...anybody who did not hold a royal title was not allowed into these homes, so these poor frightened girls were given the titles of "princess" so they could legally enter these estates to slave away;they were usually discarded after age overcame their ability to only the stories were returned, never the "princesses"...little off the subject, but i wanted to share that fun fact ;)
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Because they feel bad for being white, but also because they probably are, most people have some Native American in their ancestry if their family was here long enough. Apparently even I do, but it’s a way of relating and also I think a lot of people respect your people.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I don't know. My great grandmother is full blooded Cherokee, and YES I can prove it. She is alive NOW as a matter of of fact. I mean dude, THINK about it. Not everyone walks around with their family tree tucked away in their back pocket. For instance on my fathers side there is some Sioux indian, but I could not tell you exactly where-but my father being very "In" to geneology informed me of this(and showed it to me)....therefore I can "claim" Sioux blood without being 100% sure about exactly where it was.... Plus, if their family settled in America Hundreds and hundreds of years ago (as a good deal of caucasian ancestors DID), there is a pretty good chance that they DO have native american ancestry, and are not just 'claiming' it, as you put it.. Plus, how the hell do you "prove" it? If someone ever asked me to "Prove" to them anything about my ancestry, I'd knock them in the balls. How would you like it if you were telling someone about your heritage and they said "oh yeah??? PROVE it!"......I think that sounds pompous. If you have your doubts (which would more than likely be based on stereotypes of what an "indian" should look like) to the point you need "proof" of their indian-ness, why not just take it as a compliment? Not all people with NA ancestry LOOK like 'indians'.....
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
well, i found out that a long long time a go my family moved from ireland/scotland to america and mixed with the cajuns ( thats suppose to be like native americans and pirates i think in southern louisiana.) but its been so long because they migrated from louisiana to Texas and been here ever since.... . so i'm part pirate i think...wait...what was the quetion?
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Mexicans are native americans, that is why you are always confused for latin or hispanic because there are.. . And when the spanish invasion happened (anglos) they mass murdered the aztecs and incas (which are modern day mexians, hispanics, latinos) which have been mixed with the native american blood line.. . It even goes further into south america where they are mixed with everything and have a native american ancestry.. . Native americans goes as far from canada all the way to the bottom of south america, (native americans are not of a pure ancestry anymore).
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Well my question to you is how can you not prove that. We just go by what our grandparents and their parents befor them tell us. How do you know what they tell you about your ancestors is true?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I think most of them say that because it's the only tribe they know. Yes, I get a chuckle out of this too.... . Silly white people... :) (And yes, I am one)
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
I can't speak for everyone, but my family can trace our heritage back to the Trail of Tears. And most of the family is registered with the tribe.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
DUDE, I have family documentation that states that I have ancestors on my father's side were Native American and my Great Grandmother who passed away 8 1/2 years ago (also my 1st best friend EVER) was one fourth Native American and she had the physical characteristics of a Native American (black hair like silky thread, slanted eyes, the skin tone; I ALWAYS thought that she was white; and bent forefingers, you know, the part of the finger with the nail) and her mother who passed away almost 12 years ago had EXACTLY the same characteristics as her, but she was half Native American. So when someone tells you that they're part Cherokee, part Sioux, part Iroquois, or part whatever, then it PROBABLY is true!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
klaska boston, yaka mesachie.. . . Anyway, how are the supposed to prove it, do they really need to take you to meet their grandma so she can tell you. Will you ask her to prove it?. . What's that stick you've got in your butt?
by (4.2k points)