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+11 votes
Why do some individuals accuse racial profiling when interacting with law enforcement?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+90 votes
Best answer
Black what...? If you are referring to Human Beings please say people.....and not all black people yell racial profiling...I have an Irish accent and I get racially profiled every time I say something in public but I gave up yelling about it years ago because some people are just ignorant.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
I have wondered this myself. There is so much talk regarding slavery. But is what the black man that sold his own people to the whites. I think employees would have been a better term to use. Most "employees" were treated fairly. It was the bad apple that spoiled the bunch. My family had a tobacco and cotton plantation in Louisiana with 500 employees. When freed, they stayed. All of them.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Uhh tough one, the truth is it is out there, I am German and have a fairly heavy accent. I have been called Nazi by people trying to push my buttons, such I don't fall into that agegroup. The funny thing is it also seems to affect my work place. I work in a nursing home and have been there for over 4 years, get along with most of my coworkers and residents. A few years ago I was told by a weekend supervisor I could be seen as rude because I'm German. "Huhhh????" That was a new one, and I wasn't sure if I should punch her or start laughing about her ignorance.. My Administrator made her apologize. You should have heard it, she even made that apology sound like an insult. I let it go. She is gone - I'm still there. Well, something else happened a few month ago and yesterday I got my evaluation and 'bang" there it was again. I do realize that my DON put it in there to cover my hinny in future missunderstandings, but it stung a little anyways.. Another story, I live in a little neighborhood in a white town. The other day my neighbor asked me if I noticed the cops out here, aparantly he had held 3 black teenagers at gunpoint because they ran out of gas and where going door to door trying to find some. What an IDIOT! The sad thing was he had his grandson visiting, and that 6th grader came to my house with a plastic gun grandpa gave to him to protect himself from the "black people". I told him that I don't belive in that and that if he wanted to hang out over here he better take the "toy" home. So "Yes" it is out there, and it is up to us to change it, and raise our furure generation to turn this planet into a better place. Which also means black people not taking advantage of this situation.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because most blacks dont have a good enough education to even know what racial profiling is. Most blakcs are taught that if a white person speaks to you it's a bad thing. I've been to GA and most of the blacks who argue for fairness and all this other stuff are racist to whites and are working at McDonalds. It's all what they were taught when they were kids. That's why mainly black people dont graduate from high school and work at McDonalds or some other fast food joint. I do care when they are arguing about things that happend over a hundred years ago.
by (4.3k points)