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+57 votes
How can one determine if another person is guilty due to ignorance or indifference, and if their actions are morally right?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
Before proper conduct?. We are not to judge a person. Maybe point out their actions that is wrong, but not the person. The person we are simply suppose to love them as Jesus loved people.
by (4.3k points)
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by (4.4k points)
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an issue for prayer
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I ask this question of myself alot. When I don't have a clue to what is right and what is the wrong thing to do. I usually do it simply because it's my only means of finaly figuring it out. Most alway's I was wrong for being so emboldened (not indiffernt) but I do then learn the answer. Other times I find I was fretting over something that amounts to nothing. I'm not sure any one person can teach what is right and wrong. Hitler and Mother Teresa were both teachers by example. What they taught were very diffent things. In short if someone is guilty by ignorance than they will probably learn by their own folly alone. If they are guilty by indifference than that is what they are guilty of... indifference. Either way you are not the judge.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You could say to the person when you did/said that I felt hurt because...and see if they react with remorse. Just because you feel something is wrong or have been bought up to think something is wrong doesnt mean all people have the same view or value. Remember we are all governed by our experiences, cultural background and what we see and hear. It is possible that the other person doesnt realise, the world is not as clear cut as we would like to think. Give the other person a chance to learn and make the world a better place. :-)
by (3.9k points)