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+86 votes
What is the difference between morally good, ethically right, morally wrong, and morally evil actions?
by (4.3k points)

6 Answers

+57 votes
Best answer
yes,. Sometimes whats good is not right, and whats wrong is not evil.. For example, telling a lie is wrong but if you have to lie to say save a persons life then it is not evil.
by (4.6k points)
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Les Miserables addresses this question quite beautifully. Jean Val Jean steals (which is wrong) to eat (not evil). He goes to prision but is later touched so much by a priest's kindness that he vows to lead a good life and help other (something good) but to do so he must lie about who he is and become a fleeing felon (wrong). Javier is an officer of the law who vows to find Val Jean (right) but he becomes so obsessed that he will stop at nothing to bring Val Jean to justice even if it means executing an innocent man (I think that's pretty evil, don't you?). When Val Jean comes forward to free a man mistaken for him (very good and right) Javier is so disturbed that right is not always good and wrong is not always evil that he kills himself.
by (4.5k points)
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by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Yes there is a difference "Right is right and wrong is wrong just like it has been all along" Can black be any color than black or white any color than white... everything else is simply shades of perception.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Here is one example, no one likes it when the Jehova Witnesses come knocking at the door so they just don't answer it. It is wrong that you deceived them, but it is a good thing at the same time as you don't have to deal with their madness...:). . One more, a woman that has heart trouble has you watch her 14 year old son and asks to let you know later how he behaved. The boy stole some smokes from the store and then smoked the whole pack while he cursed like a sailor on the cell phone to his 20 year old pregnant girlfriend who has herpes. You have a dilema, do you tell the mom and risk her having a fatal heart attack or do you say "he was an angel." I would personally tell her and risk her dying of a heart attack, which is the right thing to do but may be viewed as evil. Especially if I dislike the woman.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
What is good and what is not depends entirely on the morality, logic, and understanding of the individual. This difference varies from person to person, culture to culture, civilization by civilzation. What one action a person believes is right just because he is taught, understood, and believed to be so, may be otherwise in another person. This conflict is best seen on major events in the history of human life. It is also thru history, that the actions of one may be judged from all points of view and, after much interpretation, ultimately decided whether that action is just or not.
by (4.3k points)