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+72 votes
What are the fundamental reasons why killing humans is considered morally wrong?
by (4.2k points)

22 Answers

+72 votes
Best answer
Well that's an easy question. We're animals. And the sole purpose of animals is to grow. When someone is murdered, the growth is hindered.
by (4.4k points)
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At the most fundamental level, killing anything is bad because it deprives the killed from their opportunity to exist.. . At the human to human level, because humans have so much capability, killing another human eliminates the possibility of that human interacting with the world again. Each human has great potential and we - as a species - have optimism and hope that each human will interact well with the world and the other humans in a society. . . It is that hope that makes killing other humans bad. We hope that the other human could be a good person - a productive, loving member of our society. The fear of preventing that human from reaching their potential results in our feeling bad when that human is killed.. . The reality, unfortunately, is that not all humans consider other humans worthy of respect and co-existance. When that happens, we - as a society - have to band together and do what is necessary. In most cases, that means remove the freedom of the offending human to interact in society (e.g. prison). But sometimes split-second decisions have to be made to save another life (e.g. hostage situation) or a repeat offender will never learn through incarceration that hurting others is bad, so they have to be killed (e.g. capital punishment).. . In the global setting, some leaders believe that they lead through force. Their followers are willing (or enticed) into killing others in order to extend their idea of society onto other societies by force. The result is either genocide (if the victims don't resist) or war (if the victims resist and become opponents). . . Capital punisment is bad, but unchecked murder is worse.. War is bad, but genocide is worse.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Its bad because its not up to another human to take someones like, thats not what we are here for. I was tough to live not hate but iam not the world iam me.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Becuase it lessens the evolutionary well-being of humanity when you start taking out members of the species.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
why exactly is killing other people wrong
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
It's inefficient.. . Too much work goes into care-taking, education, nutrition, etc.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
On the most fundamental level destroying anything is neither good nor bad. But as humans we have a problem dealing with this fundamental level because we do not live in a vacuum. There is Ethics, morality, religion, culture and human feelings to consider when the killing of other humans comes to mind. From a human point of view, taking a human being’s life, in the context of civilization, is an aberrant irrational, dehumanized, sick, perverted, immoral and criminal act. Outside of his civilized environment, the human animal does not need justification to kill.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
because we don't want this world to become a jungle where the strongest live and the weakest die.. give the weak another chance u were a weak once if not u will be once....... trust me....
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
In a scenario where you are the killer, you will find it hard to know the answer. But if you are the victim, do you think it's a good idea?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
According to Heidegger people, compared to things are open, which means they are not finished or done being what they should, Things instead can not be more than what they already are (dogs and rocks can be no more than dogs and rocks) Persons are humans but also protects, you can die being more than what you were at the time you were born.. So if you kill a human, you destroy that possibility.
by (4.3k points)