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+31 votes
What factors could be contributing to my poor English skills?
by (4.6k points)

2 Answers

+74 votes
Best answer
What does this question have to do with hardware? Anyways, I guess your english is not good because it's not your native language. Probably you haven't been speaking in english since birth, and are therefore not accustomed to the oddities of the language. But if you speak in english on a daily basis, it ought to improve.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
I can answer the question of "what does this have todo with hardware." It has NOTHING todo with it. its just another attempt from some brainless RETARD(s) just to get a laugh by doing something stupid. If you ask a retarded question then you better hope to god that I dont see it because if theres one thing i hate most is people who do stupid shit on purpose for a laugh. grow up.
by (4.4k points)